Page 43 of Belle

“How the fuck would I know? And what do you care?” I shove her back.

“I had money in that house, Belle. You’re her daughter. Now you owe me.”

I laugh. Is this bitch serious? “I don’t owe you shit. Why would you have money at my mom’s house?”

“We had an arrangement.”

It dawns on me then that Tiffany was a part of whatever my mom and Mindy had going on.

I also then realize that I’m probably in real danger here.

Tiffany starts rambling on about debts owed to her, while I’m frantically looking for something to use to defend myself.

The twinkle of a six-inch stiletto in my bag catches my eye. I don’t really have much time to worry about whether or not this will work.

I grab the shoe from my bag and immediately push the heel into her eye.

“What the fuck? You bitch!” she screams.

I dig the shoe further and further into her eye, until she finally falls to the floor. My chest is heaving up and down as I squat down next to her.

“Help me,” she manages to whisper.

There’s no way in hell I’ll be helping her. I’m only concerned that if I leave, she will somehow live and be able to tell someone what happened.

I grab my phone and call Maddox.

“Hello?” He sounds confused that I’m calling him.

“I need your help. Get down to the club, fast.” I hang up before he has a chance to argue with me.

I run out towards the front door. I need to watch for Maddox so I can let him in, and hopefully no one notices. My heart pounds when someone pulls into the parking lot.

I’m relieved to see it’s him and crack the door open. “Hurry up.”

“What’s going on?” he asks as soon as I lock the door behind us.

“We have a problem.”

“Wehave a problem, oryouhave a problem? Because I was at home minding my own business, like you told me to,” he points out. I want to fucking punch him.

“My problems are your problems.” I grab his arm and drag him into the back.

“What the fuck?” He looks at me with wide eyes.

“I stabbed her with my heel.” I shrug.

“I see that, but why the fuck would you do that?”

“She was working with my mom and Mindy. She was high on something and rambling shit to me about how I owe her, because Mom is dead, and my mom owed her.”

“So, you thought the logical thing to do would be to shove a six-inch heel into her eye socket?” He looks at me like I’m crazy. I already know I’m crazy.

“She was going to attack me, Maddox.” I sigh in frustration. I thought of all people he would understand.

“Well... we are in this together, aren’t we? I can’t just leave you hanging now, not after everything we’ve been through.” He shrugs, and I let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding.

“Admit it though.”