Page 23 of Belle

There are no tears in her eyes, but I can tell the whole night traumatized her.

“My dad was a piece of shit. But he was still my dad. When he was with us, it was great, but when he wasn’t, we hated him.” She glances in my direction. I like that she’s bold and has no problem looking me in the eye. “We hadn’t seen him in weeks before he was murdered. My mom was on a bender, because she couldn’t get ahold of him. We lived over in Murphy. It’s about a half hour away from here. My mom assumed he had some double life. She just didn’t know he was into drugs and prostitutes. No offense.”

She shrugs. “You’re not telling me anything I don’t know. Destiny and Mindy both had questionable morals. Anyone that lets their twelve-year old give blow jobs so she can buy smokes deserves whatever is coming for her.”

I’m starting to think Belle and I might have more in common than I thought. She doesn’t seem to have any loyalty to her family.

“If you have plans to kill Destiny, I get it. If there is anyone in this world that deserves bad karma, it’s her. She’s a piece of shit. If you still want to kill me too, so be it. I don’t have much to live for anyway.” She breaks eye contact with me and flicks her cigarette out the window.

“I don’t think I want to kill you anymore. At least, not right now,” I admit.

“The sex is that good, right?” She smirks in my direction and anyone else would find it fucked up that we can joke around while also talking about murder.

“That, and I think your mom is a piece of shit and you were just an innocent little girl that got dragged into something she had no business being a part of.” I watch the first bit of emotion pass through her eyes.

“I don’t know what your dad did. I don’t remember even talking to him, but I do know that he was one of the few that didn’t try to touch me.”

I immediately tense up. “What do you mean by touch you?”

She looks at me like I’m stupid. “Act like you can’t figure out that the men Destiny brought home weren’t good guys. I learned pretty quickly how to stand up for myself.” She doesn’t elaborate, but I’m gathering once was enough for her.

“I’m sorry you had to go through that.”

“Let’s not start acting like we care now. You like to fuck me, and I feel the same about you. There aren’t any feelings here.”

I’m not so sure that’s true, but whatever she needs to tell herself.

Chapter 7


He looks at me like he doesn’t believe me, and that’s fine. I don’t catch feelings for people.

“Are you going to tell me if you killed Mindy or not? It’s not like I’m going to tell someone. I just told you I dumped your dad’s dead body in a creek.” He eyes me. He doesn’t trust me yet, and that’s fine. He shouldn’t. I am Destiny Connors daughter after all.

“I did kill her. I came to Deadhorse with a purpose five years ago. It was to kill her. I got lucky and met her right away, at the gas station coming into town. She gave me her number, wanted me to call her so we could have some fun.” I roll my eyes. That sounds exactly like some shit Mindy would say.

“When I got my room number, I called her. I wanted to get it over with before I chickened out. I invited her over and got her high. It wasn’t hard, because she was already fucked up when she got there. I asked her some things about dad’s murder. Her story is similar to yours, except she told me that your mom liked to do that all the time. She said she liked to lure guys over, they would do things for them, kill them, and rob them. That’s exactly what they did to my dad.” He isn’t trying to hide his anger, and I don’t blame him. I knew Mindy and Destiny were horrible people, but I didn’t know they were serial killers. It kind of makes sense though. I never saw the same guy more than a couple of times.

“I fucked her, or at least I tried. It was hard to get in the mood with someone like Mindy. After she passed out, I put more dope in the syringe and gave her a pretty fatal dose.” He shows no remorse. I don’t blame him.

“Sounds like she got what she deserved.” I shrug and he looks at me––or more like he stares into my soul.

“You really feel that way?”

“Do you feel bad about what you did?”

“Not at all.”

“Then yeah, I’d say she got what she deserved. Why did you stop there? Why not take care of me and Destiny also?”

He thinks about my question. “I didn’t want it to look suspicious. My plan was always to spread the murders out. I didn’t want anyone to start piecing things together,” he admits.

“That makes sense. So, you’re here because it’s my turn?”

“It was your turn. I’m not so sure you deserve it now.”

I glance out the window. I’m not a good person, but I’m also not a serial killer.