Page 19 of Belle

Tiffany: Probably for the best. He seems like a one and done type of guy anyway.

That makes me smirk. I’ve had him twice now.

Belle: That’s never been a problem for you before.

Tiffany: It’s not. He was a good fuck, but that’s it. I ended up at Dax’s house later to finish myself off.

There it is. She’s singing a different tune since she thinks I’m not interested. She also knows I fuck Dax too, so I’m sure she thinks this will bother me.

Belle: I’ve got shit to do. You working later?

Tiffany: Yeah. I’ll see you tonight.

I sigh and lean my head against the couch. Tiffany has been my best friend my whole life. We’ve done everything together, but she’s exhausting. She tries to make everything a competition and I just don’t have it in me to care that much.

I guess I dozed off, because I glance at the clock on my phone and notice a couple of hours have gone by.

I take a shower and pick out my clothes for the night. I go with silver sparkles, and I think I’ll dance toSupermanby Eminem tonight. Most of the girls like your cliché stripper songs, but I like to change it up.

Twenty minutes later, I’m pulling into the club’s parking lot. We’re already drawing a crowd tonight. I love it when it’s busy because that means I’m making more money.

“Belle, it’s been lonely without you,” Tabby says from behind the bar when I walk in.

I throw a wave up and head to the back. There are only a couple of older guys in the club right now, the rowdy ones don’t usually show up for another hour or so.

I’m in the back, fixing my makeup, when Tiffany comes in.

“Hey, bitch.” She grins, taking the seat next to mine.

I put the cap back on my mascara and turn my attention to her. Her long black hair is stick straight tonight. Her face is heavy on the makeup and her tits are spilling out of her red bra.

“Love that bra.” I smile.

“Thanks. I’m digging the sparkles tonight. Special occasion?”

Why do I feel like she’s been digging lately? “No. It’s just Superman night. I like the way the dress looks when I dance to the song.”

“Gotcha. Well, I’ll talk to you later.” When she’s gone, I’m left with a bad feeling. There’s something going on with her.

“You’re up, Belle.” Jake––one of our bouncers––opens the door.

I head out to the stage, and I immediately lock eyes with Maddox. I try to suppress my grin, but I’m excited he’s here tonight.

It’s not lost on me that I dance better when he’s watching. When the dance is almost over, I glance in the corner of the room and find Destiny. She’s never been to the club before. I wonder what she’s doing here now.

I arch my back against the pole, just as the music stops, signaling the end of the dance.

“Let me back there.” I hear Destiny’s voice carry through the hall. “I’m her fucking mom, let me back there.”

She pushes through the door like I knew she would. Nobody tells Destiny Connor no.

“What do you want, Destiny?” I lean against the chair.

“Put some fucking clothes on.” She glares at me.

I raise my eyebrows in her direction. I don’t know who she thinks she is.

“I need money. You know that. I don’t know why you think you can just up and leave whenever you want.”