Page 79 of Belle

Maddox laughs, walking through the room to join me. He looks at both me and Hope with so much admiration. I don’t deserve him. I never have.

This isn’t your typical fairytale. But we might have just got our own fucked-up ‘happy ever after.’



Five Years Later

“Do you think our daughter is gonna be a psychopath like us?” I lean over to whisper in Maddox’s ear as we watch Hope play at the park.

“What? No. What is wrong with you?” He looks appalled that I’d even suggest it.

“It’s not crazy to assume that she will be.”

I turn my attention back to Hope. She’s never done anything to make me think she might turn out crazy, but there’s always a chance.

I’ve gotten no indication that she might burn me alive, so I feel like that’s a win.

“Now I can’t stop thinking about it,” Maddox whisper-yells in my ear.

I notice a couple of moms to our left, looking in our direction. It’s hard to tell who they’re whispering about. It could be Maddox because he’s so fucking hot. Or it could be me, in my tight skinny jeans and crop top. Some things never change.

“Don’t even think about it,” Maddox warns.


“You don’t need to start shit with moms on the playground.”

“I wasn’t gonna say anything.” I was. It pisses me off when he calls me out on shit.

“You ready to go? I’m hungry and I don’t trust that you won’t knock somebody out here.”

I roll my eyes. “You’re such a drama queen. And also, a buzzkill.”

“Mommy, my new friend Olive said she was going to her grandmas after the park. Do I have a grandma?” I quickly glance at Maddox. He looks a little panicked.

“No. You sure don’t, babe. Some kids just don’t have a big family. I don’t know why it works out that way.”

She seems satisfied with the answer. I just can’t see myself telling my five-year-old that I burned her grandma alive.

* * *

Later that evening,I’m sitting on the side of the bed, tucking Hope in. “Don’t ever let a man take advantage of you.”

“What’s an advantage?”

“Just don’t let a boy ever be mean to you. Okay? You’re a strong girl. You don’t need a boy.”

“But you need Daddy.”

“Well, when you find your person, you’ll know. They won’t make you feel anything but good.”

“I can’t wait to find someone like Daddy.” She smiles and snuggles down in her blankets.

“I can’t wait for you to find that too.” I stand up and nearly run into Maddox in the doorway.

“Why are you always creeping around?”