Whatever spell she was under is quickly broken and she recovers quickly. “Nice to meet you too, Chet,” she says his name like it’s venomous.
Again, it’s not something you would notice if you were just meeting her. I wonder what her deal is?
“I came by to see if the two of you would like to grab some dinner tonight?” Chet turns his attention back to me with a smile.
“Do you have any plans?” I ask Belle. Even though it feels like we're together, I know she likes to do her own thing.
“No, I don’t. I just need a few minutes to take a quick shower.” She smiles, but it’s a fake one.
“Sure thing. We’ll just have a drink while we wait on you.” I watch her walk back upstairs. I desperately want to follow her and find out what’s going on, but I don’t want to scare her off.
“She’s fucking hot, man.” Chet whistles. I glare at him.
“Don’t even think about it,” I warn. Chet might be one of my best friends, but I wouldn’t trust him with my woman.
He raises his hands in defense. “I was just saying she’s hot man, no need for the dramatics.”
I head towards the kitchen. I’m going to need a drink or two in order to get through this night.
“That can’t be the stripper you brought from Deadhorse,” Chet says with a laugh.
“It is.”
“I think I was expecting a bit more trailer trash.”
“You’re a fucking asshole.”
“You’re moody tonight.” He laughs. I don’t know why his personality is all of a sudden getting on my nerves. He never used to bother me before.
Belle has clawed her way into my brain. She’s got me doubting my life, my friends, and my sanity.
“I’m ready.” I turn around and I’m nearly knocked off my feet.
“Holy shit,” I hear Chet mutter. He was trying to be discreet, but it didn’t work.
Belle has on the shortest fucking black dress I’ve ever seen. It’s barely covering her ass, and it looks like it was painted onto her body. She has on her six-inch red heels, and her long blonde hair is cascading down her back in waves. Those big pouty lips of hers are painted a deep red, and if Chet weren’t here right now, I’d take her right here on the counter.
I’m considering doing it anyway.
“Well, let’s go. An outfit like that deserves a celebration.” Chet laughs, walking towards the door.
I grip Belle’s arms and pull her towards me. “Are you trying to fucking kill me?” I growl into her ear.
She turns to face me, a beautiful smile on her face. “Of course I am. And by the way, I’m not wearing anything under this.” She winks and walks towards the door.
I’m about to tell Chet to go fuck himself and bring her back into the house so I can fuck her senseless.
“Play nice,” I warn.
She laughs. “You know that’s not gonna happen.”
I watch her climb into the backseat, grabbing the door handle, and I go to join her.
“Hell no, man. I’m not going to be your chauffeur,” Chet whines. I want to fucking strangle him.
Belle sits directly behind Chet. I have a clear view of her, but he doesn’t. She grins when I climb into the passenger seat, and she spreads her legs a little wider than normal.
She’s giving me a clear view of everything.