Page 49 of Belle

Once we get back to our houses, there isn’t much left to do. The car was packed up before we left, and surprisingly we didn’t have to leave much behind.

I climb into the car and watch Belle stand in the middle of the clearing. She’s lost in thought, and I don’t want to interrupt her. This is a rare moment of calmness for her, and I think she needs this minute to herself.

Chapter 15


Ican’t believe I’m finally getting the fuck out of this place. For years I’ve dreamed of this day and it’s finally happening. I glance over the car and watch Maddox watch me from behind the steering wheel. He gets on my fucking nerves, but it’s not lost on me that I wouldn’t have this opportunity if it weren’t for him.

I’d never tell him any of that though. That’s not who I am.

Thankfully, he doesn’t say anything when I get in the car. I don’t even look in the rearview mirror when we head out of town.

We have a twelve-hour drive ahead of us. I told Maddox I was fine with driving straight through. I think it’s because I’m worried if we stop, I’ll never really get out of that place. No matter how many miles I put between us.

“Hey, we’re here.” I feel Maddox shaking me awake. I didn’t even realize I’d fallen asleep.

“Shit. I’m sorry. I didn’t even know I was tired.”

“It’s cool. The drive is boring as hell. I don’t blame you.” I glance up at the house in front of us.

It’s fucking huge. It looks like a mansion. I’m pretty sure any house would look like a mansion to me, given what I came from.

“This is where you live?” I look over at him.

He looks at me like I’m stupid. “Yeah? Is it not okay?”

I don’t say anything. I don’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he’s caught me off guard.

“It’s fine.” I get out of the car and go around the back to start grabbing some bags.

When we get inside, I glance around his massive house. It almost looks as if no one lives here. When Maddox told me he owned his own company, I didn’t realize he was rich. He never mentioned having money to me.

“Chet will be here tomorrow. He’s pretty excited to meet you.”

I scrunch up my nose in disgust. “Chet?” What a horrible fucking name.

I follow Maddox into his bedroom. “Let me show you where to put your stuff.” He gestures to a closet that’s as big as the house I just moved out of.

“What were you doing slumming it in Deadhorse?”

“I was on a mission. Kill you and Destiny and get the fuck out. I didn’t want to attract any attention.” He shrugs his shoulders. It doesn’t even phase me to hear him talk about how he wanted to murder me.

“Fair enough.”

“I’m gonna go cook us some dinner. I know it’s really late, but I’m sure you’re starving. Then we can get some sleep.”

“Sounds good,” I say, without giving him so much as a glance. I can’t believe I’m standing in a house this size right now. I can’t believe I get to live here.

I join him in the kitchen about a half hour later and he puts a plate in front of me. “I need to go grocery shopping, so I hope eggs are okay.” He sits next to me at the table.

“Eggs are fine. Thanks.” We eat in silence. When we’re finished eating, my eyes follow him as he makes his way to the sink to wash our dishes.

“I’m gonna head out and look for a job today.” I interrupt the silence. I don’t know why––all of a sudden––I feel like I need to share my plans with him.

“You don’t have to rush, you know? You can relax and enjoy yourself.”

“I’d feel better if I found a job. I don’t like to feel like a freeloader.” That’s not a lie. Maddox might have money, but that doesn’t mean I have any intention of taking advantage of him.