Her nails digging into my back let me know when she’s falling over the edge, and we ride out our ecstasy together.
“How is it like that every time?” She turns to me, laughing.
I don’t say anything, because I know if I say too much, she will put her walls up again.
“When do you want to off Destiny?” she asks casually.
“As soon as possible. I’m ready to get the fuck out of this place,” I admit.
She nods in agreement. “Me too.”
Chapter 11
Why the fuck did I just say that to him? I don’t want him to get the wrong idea, thinking I’m going to California with him so we can play house. That’s not what’s going to happen.
“Let’s do it tonight.” I shrug, changing the subject.
“Okay.” He surprises me by agreeing. I guess he wasn’t lying when he said he was ready to get the fuck out of Deadhorse.
“What’s your plan?” he asks, rolling out of bed and grabbing his jeans.
“Let’s drive over there. I’ll go in, pretend I need to talk to her about something, and scope the place out. Then I’ll send you a signal and let you know it’s safe to come in. I’m sure she’s already passed out by now.” I grab a T-shirt from the floor and throw it on.
“Works for me.” I watch the muscles in his back flex as he’s pulling a shirt from the closet, and you would think I didn’t just get laid based on how it makes me feel just from watching him.
“You coming?” He shakes me from my thoughts, and I grab my jeans from the floor.
“Yeah. Sorry.” I ignore the grin he’s throwing my way.
We both get into the car, adrenaline coursing through my veins.
Does that make me psycho?
We pull up to an abandoned laundromat at the entrance of the trailer park and he puts the car in park.
“Okay. What do you want me to do?”
“I’ll walk down to her trailer. If she’s awake when I go inside, I’ll make up an excuse as to why I’m there. If she’s not awake, I’ll text you. Leave the car here. She’s the fourth trailer down on the right.”
“Yes ma’am.” He gives me a mock salute and I flip him off.
The streetlights on the road to Destiny’s are burnt out, so it’s pitch dark. My boots crunching on the leaves are the only sound. I shiver, but I don’t know if it’s from the cool air or the eeriness outside.
When I get to Destiny’s trailer, there are several lights on, and I can hear the music outside.
“Destiny?” I call out into the trailer. The door opens with a squeak.
The house is disgusting. Empty beer cans are strung out all over the place, food is laying out on the table, and the sink is full of dirty dishes.
“Destiny?” I call out again.
I walk towards the back of the trailer, finding Destiny laying in her bed, naked. “Destiny?” I shake her and get no response. Out of habit, I put my fingers to her neck, checking for a pulse.