Drinks in one hand, each other’s free hand in the other, he gives me a tour. The place just goes on and on. Lance shows me many of the various seemingly secret corridors. Thepleasure rooms. Some of them house beds big enough for ten. Some of them we can’t look into. Others, I see people actually naked and fucking, and my eyes go planetary. Why am I surprised?

Some of the rooms are reserved for kinks. Massage tables, floggers and whips, chains, pulley systems that would probably impress an engineer.Is that a harness?

I gulp a swallow. I am way out of my league here. Out of my element, my comfort zone. And at the same time I feel like I’m having this crazy awakening that makes me want to look and touch and try itAll.

There’s a roped-off, VIP section. Of course, we’re welcomed into it. It hits me right then—how many women has Lance brought here?I feel like asking him. I feel like I don’t want to know.

We lounge around it and chitchat with some of the other people here. Lance makes us new drinks. “Walk around some more?”

“Sure!” I brighten up a bit, excited to get back out there and see more. He pulls me along by my hand and I follow him eagerly. “Lance…” I start to say, the second drink evidently smacking my impulses into submission. “Arewegoing to have sex? Wouldn’t that be…kind of weird?”

“No, we’re not going to have sex. I’m going to watch you have sex.” He peers down at me and gives me a sexy-as-hell grin.

“You’re going to watch?” I justknowmy face is lit up with delight as I say it.

“Pretty please.”

“Mmm.” We make our way back toward the pleasure rooms. There is a distinct fragrance all throughout the club, like clean, watermelon shampoo and sweet arousal, that I already know is going to make me remember this place every time I smell that from now on.

I spot another couple, also holding hands, perusing the rooms. They are both hot men, and obviously very cozy with each other. One of them is baby-face cute, and the other is a little older, with a sexy beard. I catch them both smiling at us as they whisper to each other.

“Do you know them?” I ask Lance. I draw his gaze over to them.

“No.” He gives my hand a little squeeze; a quick smile. “Let’s go say hi.”

“Your girlfriend is so beautiful,” is the first thing the slightly older one—the one with the beard—says as we approach.

Lance just smiles without even correcting him. He gives me a flirty side glance. My heart fills with warmth and starts pounding hard.

“I’m Lance.”

“Aaron,” the bearded guy shakes Lance’s hand. He pulls his friend in close. “This is Cassius.”

“Nice to meet y’all. This is Romi.”

I smile shyly, and shake each of their hands.

“You guys want some champagne?” Aaron offers. We say yes and follow them over to the couches with a big coffee table where they have champagne and orange juice on ice set out.

“I’d love a mimosa,” I get up on tiptoe to say to Lance. He leans over to tell the younger one, Cassius, that, and holds up two fingers.

“Four mimosas,” Cassius says, making one for each of us. He has this nice, boyish smile that makes me feel warm and at ease. He passes them around.

“We saw you guys.” Aaron juts his chin toward the dance floor a ways back behind us. “You’re both good dancers.”

“Oh, you did? Thank you.”

“Y’all looked so hot out there.”

“She sure did.” Lance tosses a grin down at me. I take a big swallow of my mimosa and he takes it from me, setting it down on the table. “Easy, pretty girl.” I gnash my teeth into the side of my cheek. He’s probably right. I’m not drunk, but in this place, with the lights and the bass and that watermelony scent, with these two other men, my thoughtsareswimming a little.

“This y’all’s first time here?” asks Aaron. He’s situated on the other side of Cassius. So it’s me then Lance then Cassius then Aaron. Aaron’s pantleg pulls up a little, and I see his colorful, fun, pineapple socks.

Oh, I like these people. I like them so much!

“Her first time,” Lance replies. He lays his hand right on top of my bare thigh.

“What do ya think so far?” Cassius asks. Gosh he’s so smooth and young and like, boy-band cute. Opposed to Aaron, who’s got this growly, mountain-man thing going on. I can just picture it…Cassius and Aaron…fucking.