“Good.” I lean into my palms against the counter, trying to catch my own breath and stability. She’s looking at me.At. Me. “You have more to tell me,” I intuit.
“Not tell you…” Her pointer fingernail goes into her teeth and just as quickly she takes it back out of her mouth, clasping that hand in her other one and holding it low by her stomach. “…ask you.”
I soften. “Ask me anything, pretty girl.”
“Can you take me to that club you go to?”
Except that. Boundaries. I have boundaries. For a fucking reason. Although to be honest I never established that particular boundary in my head or elsewhere, would never have guessed in a million lifetimes that I would need to, and of course, I would love to take her to Club Sin. Especially after what I witnessed earlier. But all grown up or not, she’s stillher.
She’s my buddy’s kid sister.
“Guess that’s a no?” Romi says sadly.
“Romi… It’s a sex club.”
“Yeah, I know, I mean I figured. I just… Ireallywant this,” she practically begs me. “I need…more.”
“You need more what, just sex?”
“More sex. Better sex.” She reaches up to pull on her hair but it ain’t there anymore. She folds her arms over her breasts that are just hidden enough by the thin t-shirt material, and not far from fucking hidden enough. “Please, Lance. Pleeease.” She bounces like an eager thing on the soles of her feet, and fuck, yeah, I watch those supple, perfect globes bounce up and down, even under the partial cover of her arms.
Please Lance, please. Well fuck me if I can say no to that. All begging and bouncing and needy for me. I’m already hard again as I growl out a sigh. I glance over at the clock. It’s eight thirty, still plenty early. Friday night isn’t the busiest night at Club Sin—that’d be Saturday nights—but I actually prefer when it isn’t packed to the bricks.
“You’ve got time for a nap and be ready to head out the door by eleven.”
Her plump mouth gapes. Just wide enough I can imagine my cock sliding right into that plush, pink opening. “We’re leaving ateleven?”
“Yes, pretty girl. You’re not going to turn into a pumpkin at midnight, I promise.”
“No, but I may turn into a zombie.”
“I can guarantee you, you won’t.”
If she’s going to be that dead set on going to Club Sin, I’d rather she go with me anyhow. I can watch her and keep her safe. And fuck if I’m not going to enjoy watching her.
And I can definitely make certain she stays awake. Romi can sleep on the car ride back. She’ll be pleasured to her tits and exhausted by then.
Chapter Three
I have no clue what to wear. I walk out into the living room. Lance looks up at me briefly. “Less,” he says.
“Um, okay.” I go back to change. I come back out wearing a bit less.
Lance gives me an even quicker appraisal than before. “Less.”
“What, seriously?”
“Do you need me to come in there and help you?”
“No.” Although, that would be kind of hot. Lance dressing me up. I know he likes to buy clothes for his girlfriends, and the man has incredible freaking taste. They always look knockout gorgeous. It turns me on to know that Lance watched me, especially knowing he was probably jerking off after he asked me to close his door. But the girls he usually dates are like…tens. I’m not like overly self-conscious or anything but I am definitely plain Jane compared to them. There’s no way he would be intome.
I’m getting ahead of myself. Lance saw me in a certain position and I can admit—I have a nice-looking pussy, okay. That doesn’t put me on the same level as the girls hedates. Those women are model beautiful. Especially since he pays for all their beauty procedures, the eyelashes, the perfect manicures, the lip flips and Botox and blowouts, et cetera. I don’t even know. I replace my foundation like once a year, and only because I feel like I should, not because I’m running low.
That’s your brother’s best friend, the annoying voice in my head reminds me.You shouldn’t even be having these thoughts.
I know that, you bitch. Iknow.