Page 80 of Hidden Justice

“What do I have to gain from any of this, Justice?”

“Hmm, I wonder. What would happen if The Guild ceased all operations? I guess you could run back to John and tell him The Guild is gone, reconnect with Tyler, and rekindle your old relationship.”

Gracie lets out a long and weighty breath. “You know, I think I like this new suspicious Justice. You can learn the lesson I learned long ago.”

“Which is?”

“Trust no one.”

With that, she hangs up on me.

I stare at the phone, feeling under siege.



Hearing movement in the room, I bolt upright. “Who’s here?”

And where the hell am I?

“Sorry to wake you.”

“Leland?” Oh, that’s right. I spent the night in a guest room at the Mantua Home. I rub at the grit on my eyes. “Tell me you don’t have a thing for blonds.”

Leland laughs. “No. Definitely not my type. Look, I know you haven’t gotten a lot of sleep, but I have a favor to ask.”

I grab my cell from the nightstand. It’s not even five a.m. Went to sleep around two hours ago. What’s with this family and waking people up? Truthfully, I prefer the way Justice wakes me.

I hit the light. The room’s still dim, but I can see Leland standing at the foot of this four-poster bed. The whole room looks as if it belongs in Victorian England. “What do you need?”

“What do you know of Justice’s father, Cooper Ramsey?”

Her father? “He’s a drug addict who left Justice to an abusive grandmother.”

“The grandmother died in jail. Cooper was never charged with anything. But more important for this conversation, Mukta and I suspect he’s working with the family traitor.”

“What makes you think that?”

“I’ve been with Security all night going over camera footage. We didn’t find much, but when we expanded the search to the campus perimeter for the week, we found Cooper taking pictures.”

I swing my legs out of bed. This would be a big admission on a normal nine-to-five schedule, but at five a.m. and with Leland’s hands tied by hosting the FBI, it’s pretty obvious where this is leading. “Where does he live?”

* * *

Wearingjogging gear donated by Leland, I run with steady ease down the wide blacktop of the Schuylkill biking trail. Hoodie’s big enough to conceal and carry. Helpful.

The sneakers are a good fit, but not my style. Expensive, with too thick of a sole, so it feels like running on a loaf of bread.

As the trail angles up, the river drops down, and a series of five-story red-and-tan buildings comes into view.

I circle the apartment complex, doing recon. This isn’t where I’d expect to find Cooper. It’s expensive, pet-friendly, and has access to fitness trails and the river.

Easing off the trail and onto the grass in front of Building 7, I stop and stretch, waiting for my moment.

Don’t have to wait long. A man with a dog goes inside, and I follow. He’s kind enough to hold the door open for me. I thank him, dipping my head to pet his dog, mostly to avoid the security camera, but also because who could resist that friendly furry face?

As the man checks his mail, I slip into the elevator, quickly hitting the CLOSE DOOR button. Three floors up, I find Cooper’s door, then knock.