Page 44 of Hidden Justice

There’s a serious challenge on her face… alongside decades-old rage. What started out as playful wrestling has taken a turn that borders on a test. I have no idea what she wants right now.

She puts her face within inches of mine. “What are you going to do?”

Yep, this is very much a test of some kind, and I’m probably going to fail because every instinct in my body is screaming for me to use my strength to flip her over and take control. It’s an intensely real moment to be caught in, where my cock and fists are equally hard, but instinctual reactions haven’t had the ability to override my reasoning for many years.

Sucking in a breath, I calm the emotion and see her pain instead. I scared her, challenged her, and she feels vulnerable. Probably confused as well.

All of this pours into my consciousness as she continues to play her game of control. I see it all as she rolls her ass across my hard-on—that’s her way of egging me on—but there are other, more important signs.

Like the strength she puts into holding me down, her hands tightening around my wrists much harder than necessary, causing her forearms to tense so much I can see her veins.

For her, this has stopped being a game, and she needs me to prove I won’t use strength against her, even if she’s taunting me. She’s asking if she can trust me.

If she were any other person, I’d probably buck her off, stand up, and leave.

But this is Justice and I desperately want to know her. And I want her to know me. Know that I would never purposefully cross any line she’s uncomfortable with, not emotionally and not physically. I messed up a moment ago, misunderstanding what she needed from me, but now that I see it, I’m still game.

Gritting my teeth, I hold absolutely still as she rolls her ass across the tip of my cock. She’s torturing me and we both know it because my breathing is loud enough to testify to my absolute agony.

For a long moment she stares at me with her dark eyes walking the edge between teasing and serious, wanting and fury.

She begins to hum that song again as the softest part of her body, the moist wetness, gyrates against me, and this might be the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Literally. I’m going to explode.

Humming louder, she increases the friction.

My body responds automatically, but I squelch any instinct to move. More than anything I want her to trust me so I wait for her to get it, wait for her to see there’s nothing she can do to make me cross that line. Wait for her to understand that she is completely safe with me.

A well-worn Shakespeare phrase filters through my head as I watch the play of emotions across her face.If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?

I have the good sense to keep that quiet.

This torturous, sweet friction has me feeling like I’m winning as much as losing.

When she eases up, she smiles as if we’ve reached some kind of understanding.

I see the shift, see the gratitude that I know she won’t express verbally.

She lowers her face to mine and whispers, “I like you.”

With those words, the tension in her hands relaxes and she kisses me long and deep, setting fire to my already thrumming body. Again, she whispers, “I really like you.”

Her soft lips press mine, then slip to my chin, neck, and down to the hollow at the base of my neck. She strokes my biceps, chest, while rolling her hips simultaneously against my cock.

I fist the sheets to keep my hands to myself because I get that she needs to be in the driver’s seat right now, and I really want to see where this ride takes us.

With a deep moan, she sucks on her pinky fingers, then trails her hot lips, kissing, down my abs until she gets to… oh, God…

She sucks my cock into her mouth, without using her hands, which are busy sending my senses reeling, as her pinky slowly circles and enters me from behind. So smooth and sweet and talented. She knows exactly what she’s doing to me as her tongue moves against the head of my cock.

Her mouth grinds lower, adding pressure and releasing in a pace that’s excruciatingly good. There is no control as I moan and buck into her mouth. She takes all of me, fingering me while stroking the base of my cock with her other hand. Sucking me off and gyrating the tip of her finger inside my ass.

I’ve had blowjobs before, had amazing blowjobs before, but I had no idea anything could feel so fucking good.

She sucks and rolls and pumps with a faster pace and I realize I have lost all control. I try to rein it in, try not to—

“Fuck. Yes. Justice. Fuck!” The orgasm slams into me as hard and uncontrollable as a summer storm. Exploding, I rock into her mouth as she sucks me down, her eyes dipping closed.

When the final shocks of pleasure recede, my body collapses back against the mattress, and she sits up and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. I want to reach for her, grab her, hold her, but she’s absorbed every bit of energy out of me.