Page 46 of Summer's Gift

She sipped the coffee, then turned to him. “I take it you saw me and Cody out back this morning before I left.”

“I saw you on the phone first. I assume you spoke to your mom.”

“I did. She’s unhappy I won’t come home.” She didn’t want to get into all that again, so she changed the subject. “Do you have time to have lunch with me today? I can meet you at your office, maybe get a tour if you have time.”

His whole face lit up with joy. “I’d love that. I wanted to clear my calendar for a few days, but we’ve got this big project going and—”

“It’s totally fine. Although I told my grandfather I’d be back in six weeks, I’ll be checking in with the office and taking care of things from here. I don’t expect you to upend your life just to spend time with me. We’ll do that when we’re all together. I don’t need to be entertained.” She sounded like a broken record, but wanted everyone to do what they normally did and include her when appropriate.

Brooke and Alex walked into the kitchen. “Hey, I just wanted to say good morning before I take this one to school.”

Alex ran to her and wrapped his arms around her legs. “Hi.”

She smiled down at him and rubbed her hand over his back. “Hi. Have a good day at school.”

He looked up with big, round eyes. “Can I stay home with you?”

“No,” Brooke said. “Aunt Summer has things to do. And you need to learn new things.”

Summer stared down at Alex. “You can tell me all about what you learn today when I see you later.”

Alex sighed. “Okay.” He released her and took his mom’s hand.

“Bye.” Brooke left with Alex, waving to her and Nate as she turned to go.

Summer focused on her dad. “You’ve got a houseful.”

“That’s why I built this place. I wanted everyone together.” Her dad’s eyes turned thoughtful. “You and Cody looked pretty serious this morning.”

Just thinking about Cody made butterflies take flight in her belly. “I like that he’s blunt and honest. It feels like things are moving faster than my normal speed.” She thought twice about that. “Actually, I don’t know my speed, since I don’t really date. But, here’s the thing. I like him. It’s been a long time since I liked a man as anything more than just an acquaintance.”

She saw her father’s concern and knew he wanted to say something more. “He saw that I was upset about the call with my mom.He sat with me without bombarding me with questions. He didn’t try to fix it or offer me platitudes that everything would be all right. He just wanted to be there with me. No manipulations. No expectations. No wanting something in return.” She shrugged and hoped he understood.

“Cody can be a very kind man. He gives all of himself for this family, to each and every one of us. He’s reserved with other women, and always polite. He’s different around you in a way I can’t exactly explain. Though it looked like your conversation was serious, he was all in it with you. Totally focused and present.”

“He wanted to know if I felt what he’s feeling. And I do. Neither of us can really explain it, but we both want to see what comes of it.”

“He expressed as much to me last night.”

It eased her to know he’d been just as open with her dad as he’d been with her. But it seemed her dad needed some reassurance as well. “I’m here first and foremost to get to know you and find my place in this family. I asked Cody for some time to settle in. He agreed that we’d take things slow.”

“I’m happy to hear it. This has got to be a lot for you to process. I know it is for me, and all I’ve got to do is be with you. You’re in a different state, in an unfamiliar home, away from your family, friends, and work. And there’s what’s happening between you and Cody.”

“It’s a lot,” she agreed. “But I have a lot of options available to me and a lot of opportunities, too. I’m lucky that way. This is the first time in my life I haven’t done what’s expected without question. I’m not going to do that anymore.”

“I want you to stay here with us because it’s what you want, too. I love you, Summer. Your happiness is all that matters.”

“It’s really nice to know you have my best interests at heart.”


“Well, I better let you get to work.”

Nate pulled out his wallet and handed her a business card. “There’s my number and the office address.” His gaze narrowed. “I didn’t think of it until now, but you don’t have a car.”

She held up her phone. “I’ll use a ride service. No worries. Plus, I think I’ll buy a car to keep here for when I visit.”

Her dad went still. “Um, I could get you one, if you want.”