Page 36 of Summer's Gift

It finally felt like that missing piece inside her had clicked into place. She knew who she came from now. Maybe that would help her better understand who she was and who she wanted to be.

What did this new future look like?

Over her father’s shoulder, she spotted Cody watching them from the living room window. Their gazes connected and he just stared at her.

Strange. She didn’t know how to describe the feelings he brought out in her, because she’d never felt anything like them.

She met her father’s earnest gaze. “I’d like to stay awhile. Longenough that I feel like we really know each other.” She loved that he nodded his agreement right away. “A little distance between me and my mother right now is probably best. And though she’s worried about me and what I’ll do next, she’s got a brand-new husband to distract her.” As if her mother knew she was talking about her, Summer’s cell phone vibrated in her pocket. She pulled it out and confirmed that with caller ID.

Her dad’s eyes narrowed. “Jessica again, I take it.”

“She’s called every half hour since I left. I can only imagine how insane she’s making Roger right now with all herPoor meandDo you see what I have to put up with,” she said in a dramatic tone, then continued, “How could she do this, just up and leave and not let me explain. Why can’t she see I did all of this for her?” She held her father’s gaze. “It’s always the same. I’m her daughter, therefore I have to forgive her and love her like no one else does.”

Her dad stuffed his hands in his pockets, as chilled as she was standing out here in the wind and cold. “I see.”

“No. You don’t. I do it all the time. Eventually, no matter what she’s done, I forgive her. Because someday—sooner than I’d like to think about—I won’t have Grandfather, and she’s all I’ll have left. But that was before, and this is now. And I have you.”

“Yes, Summer, you do. And your sisters and Miranda. Maybe it doesn’t feel like we’re all family yet, but in time, I know it will.”

“Which is why I can’t do it this time. I can’t just let this go like I did all the times before. Do you have any idea what it’s like to be the levelheaded one all the time? To be the one person she turns to time and again to cry on my shoulder, only to turn her back on me to go out looking for the next Mr. Right? I have never felt like I mattered. Nothing I do is ever enough. And still, I keep trying. Why?”

Her dad shook his head, his gaze filled with remorse and anger. “I’m sorry. That isn’t the kind of life I want for you.”

She huffed out a frustrated breath and closed her eyes for a second to help ease the tension aching across her brow. She looked at her father. “We’re doing it again. I’m sorry. You’re sorry. She’ll say she’s sorry. What good is that when we’re stuck in this situation because of her selfishness?”

“How about you and I set that aside and just get to know each other better. We’ll leave Jessica for another time.”

“Sounds good to me.” She pressed her fingers to her temple.

“That headache is getting worse.”

“It’s fine. Some sleep and I’ll be good as new.”

Her dad put his hand on her shoulder. “For what it’s worth, I think you’re perfect.”

A surprised smile bloomed on her lips. “Thank you. But you’re my dad. You might be biased.”

“I’ll always tell you the truth. But if you don’t believe me, Cody certainly thinks you’re special.” He stepped beside her and looked at her as she looked sideways at him.

“He’s not like all the men my mother tried to set me up with, or anyone I ever dated. He’s... different,” she said evasively.

“That’s exactly what he said about you.” Her dad grinned.

“I’m afraid I didn’t make the best first impression. I had no idea he was there on your behalf.”

“I think you made quite an impression on him.” He turned to face her. “I can’t remember ever seeing him unable to take his eyes off a woman. If you think I’m mad at Jessica for what she’s done, he’s right there with me.”

“He told me his mother left them when he was just five. That must have been really hard on him and Brooke.”

“Probably a lot like how you felt thinking I didn’t want you.”

“Similar, but he remembers having her in his life and rejecting him. I can’t imagine your mom is there one day and gone the nextbecause she decided to just up and leave. I never had you in my life. I didn’t have to watch you walk out on me.”

“No. I never would have done that to you. Even if Jessica and I didn’t stay together, I still would have been in your life.”

“I know that now.”

“I hope you do, Summer. And I know it’s not my place to tell you who you should or shouldn’t have in your life... I just wanted to say that Cody is a guy worth taking a chance on. I can tell you from experience, he’s a great friend. I trust him with business. I trust him with my family and my life. I trusted him to bring you home.”