Page 25 of Summer's Gift

“Yeah,” he said, and smiled. “Why? You thought you were going to get rid of me?”

“You don’t seem to be inclined to be gotten rid of.” She grinned, but it didn’t quite make it to her eyes because everyone, including Nate, walked out of the front door to greet her.

“You’re catching on. Now let’s go; they can’t wait to meet you.”

Chapter Seven

Summer stared out at all the people, her family, waiting to greet her. Butterflies swarmed her belly. Her heartbeat seemed off kilter. Her mind swirled with questions and possibilities and a little fear that this was a mistake and would only bring more disappointment in her life.

But then her father smiled at her. He looked so happy. Tall, with dark brown hair like hers—though his was threaded with silver at his temples even though he was only forty-six—he had the same light blue eyes that she saw in her mirror every morning.

She came from him. He wanted her in his life.

She sighed. The tightness in her chest eased.

She didn’t know him yet, but something inside her recognized him.

She exited the car, not surprised that Cody came around the front to take a spot by her side. The little boy was the first to run over and he excitedly asked, “Will you be my aunt?”

Stunned by the request, she didn’t know what to say.

Cody put his hand on his nephew’s head. “She’s not your aunt, buddy.”

Alex frowned. “But Papa is my papa, even though he’s not. Meme is Meme. Natalie and Haley are my aunts. So she’s the aunt, too.”

“Who can argue with that kind of logic,” Cody said with genuine affection for the little boy. Cody raised a brow at her.

In for a penny... She squatted and held out her hand. “Hello, Alex. It’s very nice to meet you. I’m your aunt, Summer.”

Cody brushed his hand over her shoulder.

Alex grinned so big his cheeks puffed out, then he threw his arms around her neck and hugged her tight.

She hugged him right back and felt something in her heart shift.

She’d been an only, lonely child growing up. She’d wished for a sister or brother, but always took the wish back, because she wouldn’t wish her mother on a sibling even to have company in her misery. But here she was, sister to two young women, and an aunt to one sweet little boy.

Maybe he wasn’t blood, but he was hers now.

Just like how she felt about Lucy.

Summer picked up Alex as she stood. “I think I’m going to keep you.”

Alex giggled and grinned at his uncle. “I like her.”

“I like her, too,” Cody admitted. He put his hand to her back. “Come on, Aunt Summer. Papa’s waiting.”

They walked up the wide stone path toward the porch together. Everyone watched their approach and started moving closer to meet them partway.

Cody kept things light. “Have you been a good boy for your mama while I was gone?”

“Yep. We went down to the beach and collected shells. Can I show Aunt Summer?”

“Later. Papa wants to see her and spend some time with her.”

Summer couldn’t take her eyes off her father. He stared right back at her. In his eyes, she saw regret, but also pride, and a whole lot of anticipation and joy.

But it was the youngest girl, her fourteen-year-old sister, whorushed forward next and wrapped her and Alex in a hug. “I knew you’d come. I’m Haley. I’m the one who took the test and matched with you. How come you didn’t come see us when you got the results?”