Page 29 of Summer's Gift

“I’m fine. It’s just been a hell of a day.”

Her dad touched her arm, the caress soft and soothing. “We’ll let you settle in and have a few minutes of quiet. Meet us in the dining room on the other side of the house when you’re ready.”

“I’ll be there soon.”

Her dad and the girls left her room.

Cody hung back. “Do you like the room?”

“It’s perfect.”

The cocky grin came back. “I knew you’d like it. You’ll probably spend a lot of time on the other side of the house, but Brooke and I are happy to share our space with you. Our bedrooms are upstairs. Mine’s the last door down the hallway. I got the ocean view.” He looked proud of that. “Down the hall from here, you’ll find my office next door, then the kitchen and living space at the back. Feel free to raid the fridge and pantry. On either side of the house,” he added. “I’ll give you the full tour later.”

“Thank you.”

He stuffed his hands in his pockets. “Do you want help unpacking?”

“No. I’ll do it. It will give me a chance to take a breath and settle into this reality. I mean, this is real, right?”

He took her hand and a buzz of heat shot through her. “Real enough?”


“I’ll leave you to it, then. Take something for that headache.” He squeezed her hand, stared at her for a moment longer, then left her room.

She stood looking at the trickling water outside and sighed with the first moment of contentment she’d felt since she discovered the truth.

She didn’t want to keep her family waiting for dinner, so she hurried to unpack her suitcases.

Maybe if she settled in, she’d feel like she belonged.

So she put away her clothes in the huge dark wood dresser with the deep drawers that looked amazing in front of the palest of blue walls. She hung her dresses, blouses, and slacks in the walk-in closetand put away her toiletries in the bathroom vanity drawers. The huge marble shower called her name. The hot water on her tense shoulders would be amazing. Later.

She left her purse on the bedside table, but took her phone with her.

Why? Guilt.

She wouldn’t pick up for her mother. But if her grandfather called to check on her, she’d let him know she was okay.

She mustered her courage and finally left her room, though it had been only about fifteen minutes. She felt strange walking across the huge glassed-in foyer and into the other side of the gorgeous house that felt like a home, with all the personal photos, toys on the floor in the living room, someone’s homework open on the coffee table, and the smell of dinner in the air.

This was nothing like the home she grew up in, or any of the places she’d visited, being dragged behind her mother.

The only place she’d ever felt this was in her grandfather’s home office. There, he had pictures of her growing up through the years. She’d done her homework at his big desk while he worked. They played chess in that room. They talked in that room.

She’d always felt safe and wanted in that room. She hoped to find that feeling here, too.

Voices carried from the dining area, where everyone sat at the long wood table in black leather chairs.

“Does she have other brothers and sisters?” Haley asked Cody.

Summer answered for him. “I’ve had twelve stepsiblings throughout the years. I’m only close to one of them.”

“Lucy,” Cody added, letting her know he’d been listening.

“Yes. She is like a sister. She manages my real estate. The other steps mostly lived with their mothers and only visited their fathers on weekends and holidays. It was like having strangers in the house. Kind of like I imagine it feels for all of you having me here.”

“It won’t always,” her dad assured her. “Come and sit.”