Page 28 of Summer's Gift

“Fancy.” Her dad grinned. “You own the place, so I’m guessing you implemented that service.”

A blush heated her cheeks. “A lot of people in the building travel extensively. It made sense.”

“You’re a smart businesswoman.”

The praise meant a lot coming from her father. “I try to be. But I also have a good management company.”

Nate nodded. “Because you’re busy working with your grandfather.”

She appreciated that he said “with” not “for.” “Sutherland Industries will be mine one day.”

He held her gaze. “Is that what you want?”

She shrugged a shoulder. “It will be mine whether I want it or not, so it’s best to know how to run it for when that time comes.”

“You could simply hire someone to run it for you.”

“I could. But how will I know if they’re doing a good job, or keeping to the company’s values if I don’t understand it? Real estate is easier to oversee from afar than a company with employees and customers. Dealing with a problem usually means hiring a plumber or contractor. But in business, if you don’t understand how all the departments work together and how things are supposed to be done, it’s easy to make a mistake that could cost the company a lot of money. And employees their jobs.”

Nate’s eyes filled with admiration. “Your grandfather taught you well. It’s not all about making money.”

“People matter,” she agreed. “I’d love to know more about what you do, how you built the company, what you’re working on now.”

Nate grinned. “We have a lot to talk about and learn about each other. Right now, I just want to take it in that you’re here. You’re my daughter.”

“And you’re my dad.” She tilted her head and stared at him. “I’ve never said that to anyone.”

“I’m sorry. And also, I’m not. But I’m also sad because when I think about how different your life would have been if I’d been in it... it makes me angry. But I want you to know, none of that anger is directed at you.”

“I haven’t even begun to let myself think about and feel the impact of what my mother has done.” Tears filled her eyes.

Her dad didn’t hesitate. He hooked his arm around her shouldersand pulled her right into his chest. She wrapped her arms around his back and inhaled his scent, feeling for the first time the love of a parent like she’d never felt it before.

“It’s okay, sweetheart. We’ll get through this. Everything is going to be fine.” He kissed the side of her head.

She hugged him tighter.

Cody and her sisters found them just like that. Cody draped her garment bag over the bed. “Everything okay?”

She stepped back, wiping tears from her eyes.

Her father did the same.

It touched her so deeply that he felt as keenly as she did about this moment. “Dad and I were just... commiserating with each other about the impact my mother’s poor decisions have had on my life and his.” She didn’t bring up her grandfather’s part in all this.

“Are you always this diplomatic?” her dad asked. “Because I don’t think I can be that neutral when it comes to what Jessica did to us.”

“It’s a habit,” she confirmed, because being angry when her mother wasn’t contrite was just wasted time and effort.

“Your phone’s ringing,” Natalie pointed out.

Summer dismissed it. “I should probably shut it off for a while. She’ll wear out the battery.”

“It’s your mom?” Haley asked.

“Probably. That or Sutherland Industries has fallen and my grandfather is begging me to come back and put everything to rights again. Either way, I’m not answering right now.” She pressed her thumb to the ache pounding behind her eye.

Cody moved closer. “That headache still hasn’t gone away.”