Page 130 of Summer's Gift

“I know you are. But some lessons are hard and come with consequences we don’t expect or anticipate. You hurt my brother and my friend. I don’t take that lightly. No one should ever meddle in someone else’s relationship. You wouldn’t like it if someone did it to you.”

“She did. Cody and I had a great relationship until she showed up.”

Brooke stood taller and narrowed her gaze. “Summer never took Cody away from you. She never interfered when you two were spending time together. I appreciated the way she tried to get to know each and every one of us here individually. She’s tried the hardest with you, because she saw how much you cared about Cody. She wanted to prove to you that she’d treat him right. And she has. Maybe their relationship isn’t the way you think it should be, but it seems to be working for them. That’s not for you to judge or put your expectations on. They get to decide what’s right for them and what makes them happy. Cody didn’t ask your opinion because he knows what he wants. We are family. Here to help and support when asked; otherwise, it’s none of our business.”

“I don’t want to see him get hurt again.”

“I don’t, either. But did you ask him if he was unhappy or feeling hurt by Summer? Did you see that in any way when you saw them together? Or were you just jealous and acting out?”

The demanding tone set Natalie off. “Why are you being so harsh?”

“Because I want you to understand that for all your worries thatshe’dhurt him,youwere the one who actually did.”

Natalie felt that like a knife to the heart. “I didn’t mean to.”

“But you did.” Brooke echoed her mom’s words, as if Natalie needed to hear it again. “I know you want to make this right. I hope you can in some way. Just know you changed things with Cody. It won’t ever be what it used to be. Maybe it will be better. It could be worse. Either way, you need to accept how he feels and what he wants going forward.”

“If I can just talk to him, I know we can work this out.”

“It should be in person, whenhe’sready. Don’t bother him at work.”

“I won’t. I just... It sucks to wait.”

“I know what you mean. I’ve wanted to see him really happy for a long time. These last few weeks, he’s been happier than I can ever remember. I saw him let go of the past and look forward to the future. Like you, I saw that it meant he wouldn’t be here with us all the time. I knew I was going to miss him. But I was also so happy for him. I hope you get to that place for him, otherwise there’s no future friendship for the two of you, even though he will always want your happiness.”

Natalie turned to go with a heavy heart, but turned back as Brooke started to close the doors again. “You don’t have to do that.”

“I think a reminder of people’s personal space is still in order. At least until Cody feels comfortable being here again.” Brooke closed the doors on her.

Natalie walked away, needing time alone to think. And plan.

Not that her other plan had worked so well. But when it came to apologies, “I’m sorry” wasn’t going to cut it this time. Not if Cody didn’t even want to speak to her.

And then there was Summer. Her sister.

Until now, she hadn’t really thought of her in that way. Summer had been a nuisance. An unwelcome disruption. And yes, in Natalie’s eyes, a rival.

But to Cody, she’d been the woman he couldn’t resist. The one who made him happy.

And though Natalie didn’t want to admit it, a good sister. She’d helped Natalie pick out that killer dress. She’d helped Natalie study for finals. She didn’t freak out when Natalie took her car. She didn’t even make a huge deal out of Natalie not taking her to the hospital after it turned into a big thing. She praised Natalie for calling for help instead of lecturing her about being drunk.

She’d even encouraged Natalie to take her photography seriously as a career path. Natalie probably wouldn’t have even thought about it. Now, it’s all she thought about.

Well, besides Cody.

The embarrassment came back in a wash of heat to her face and anxious butterflies in her belly. She felt so foolish for sneaking into his room. He’d barely spared her a split-second look before he turned away and never looked at her again.

She’d tried to be bold.

She wanted to believe that if Summer hadn’t come home and walked in on them, something totally different would have happened last night.

But the reality of it was that her mom and Brooke were right. Cody would never cheat on anyone, even for her. And she’d hurt him so deeply he didn’t want to speak to her right now.

Maybe ever.

Her heart broke all over again.

I need to fix this.