He took a long drink before he set the glass on the table. “There are a ton of guys looking at you. I think the only reason they haven’t come over is because of me. So, see anyone you like? I’ll talk you up.”

I turned around and looked. At one booth, there was a group of guys sitting together, all wearing suits like they just got off work. One was particularly handsome, with nice brown hair and blue eyes. He had a muscular build similar to Slate’s. I told myself I shouldn’t compare, but I knew exactly what I liked. “I like that guy in the middle…”

“Alright. I’ll talk you up.”

“See anyone you like?”

“That blonde over there is pretty hot.”

I saw her standing near the bathroom, with sky-high heels and a red dress. “She’s staring at you.”

“So she should be easy prey. I’ll talk to your guy and send him over before I make the kill.” He stepped away from the bar.

“Whoa, hold on. What do I say to him?”

“Try hello. Introduce yourself.” He walked away.


He ignored me and approached their table.

I faced forward and tried to keep my cool. My drink was in front of me, so I kept sipping it, letting the booze warm my stomach and destroy my nerves. I was nervous because I was jumping into something new, but it also felt right because I couldn’t wait for Slate to actually care about me. To him, I would always be a commodity, something that could be bought. I needed a man who saw me as a person, a woman, a soul mate. Maybe it was too soon for me to move on, but after the way he’d treated me, could anyone really blame me?

Coen returned a second later, the handsome man at his side. “Monroe, this is Hugh. Hugh, this is my friend Monroe. She’s a fan of the Yankees, loves pizza, and works in fashion. You two have fun.” He left us alone and approached the blonde he’d had his eyes on earlier.

Hugh leaned against the bar and eyed my drink. “Can I get you a refill?”


“I like a woman who enjoys a good drink. You have Old Fashioneds often?”

“Only when I’m nervous.”

“Why are you nervous?” He had a nice smile and soothing presence about him. He was so calm it seemed like he did this frequently, talked to strangers in bars. He had classically handsome features, so he probably put the moves on gorgeous women all the time. He appeared to be out of my league.

“I haven’t been out in a long time.”

“Bad breakup, huh?”

“It wasn’t really bad…it was just a breakup.”

“So you’re in the stage where you’re forcing yourself to go out?”

“Pretty much.”

“Been there, done that.” He glanced at Coen in the corner. “Your friend said you thought I was cute.”

“That’s correct. I do think you’re cute.”

“Well, I think you’re gorgeous, so we have something in common.”

I did my best not to let my cheeks flush with heat. “Thanks…”

“So, are you looking for a one-night stand or just pleasant conversation?”

“That’s blunt,” I asked with a laugh.

“I just like to know what I’m dealing with.”

“Do you get a lot of women asking for one-night stands?”

He shrugged. “I don’t kiss and tell.”

“Ooh…a gentleman.”

He drank from his glass, his eyes staying focused on me. “So, what are you interested in?”

“Well, if you’re going to be blunt, so am I. I’m looking for the man I’ll spend the rest of my life with. I don’t expect to meet him tonight or next week…but that’s what I’m looking for. I’m not a one-night stand kind of girl. I’ve actually only been with one guy.”

He nodded slowly. “There’s nothing wrong with that.”

“I know. What are you looking for?”

“Nothing in particular. Wherever the wind takes me. For the most part, I’m having fun right now. But if I met an amazing woman who rocked my world, I’d marry her tomorrow. My future is an open book.”

“I like that.” I hated hearing men swear off marriage just because they thought they wouldn’t like it. This guy was open to anything, and he was honest about everything too. “Your story is unwritten.”

“Exactly.” He clinked his glass against mine. “I was—”

“Get the fuck away from her.” His masculine voice was filled with imminent threat, like he had a gun stashed in his jacket, fully loaded. He came right up behind the man I was speaking with, several inches taller than him, and with black oil in his eyes. “Now.”

Hugh stepped aside and looked over his shoulder. “Let me guess. The ex-boyfriend—”

“I’ll shove that glass up your ass if you don’t walk away right now.” Slate stood his ground, his musculature undeniable even in his coat. The shadow on his jawline accentuated his features even more. He looked like a man possessed by the devil.