She gave him a wink. "My pleasure. Where do you keep it?"
Joey bent down and opened the safe. He brought out the ledger and the amount he'd earned since he'd seen Gina last. "Here you go."
The bouncer called for last orders. As patrons dragged Joey away for last drinks, Sasha busied herself with the ledger, pocketing his cash.
"All good?"
"All good! See you tomorrow," Sasha called out as she disappeared into the crowd.
Over the next ten minutes, the busyness of the club faded away to empty seats and yawning girls. Joey stretched, his back aching from being on his feet all night.
Time to hit the hay—or, at least, a dingy strip club bed.
As he walked through the dimly lit hall backstage, Joey's body ached.
Had he really done that? Put Marco's hands on him? Danced like he was sexy, instead of an awkward dumbass?
Ridiculous. This place was getting to him. Joey shivered. Despite the late hour, he craved a shower.
Finally alone in the small, dark bathroom, Joey stripped off his clothes and stood under the hot spray of the shower, hoping to wash away the confusing emotions that threatened to overwhelm him.
But as the water cascaded down his body, his mind kept drifting back to Marco: the intensity of his gaze, the heat radiating from his touch, the way his voice seemed to hypnotize him…
"Damn it," Joey muttered under his breath, feeling a familiar ache in his groin. He knew it was wrong to fantasize about Marco, but he couldn't help himself. The attraction between them was undeniable, like a magnetic force that drew them together despite the dangers surrounding them.
He imagined what it would be like to have Marco there with him—to feel those strong arms wrap around him and pull him close, their lips connecting in a searing kiss that left them both breathless.
In his mind's eye, he saw Marco's fingers trail down his chest, teasing and taunting him as they ventured lower and lower…
"Stop," he whispered harshly to himself, breaking the spell of his fantasy. He couldn't allow himself to get lost in these thoughts; the risks were far too great.
But try as he might, Joey was helpless to resist the seductive power of his imagination. He closed his eyes and leaned back against the tiled wall, picturing Marco's hands exploring his body with a hunger that was equal parts tenderness and raw desire. His skin tingled at the thought of Marco tracing small circles around his nipples before dipping lower still, cupping and caressing him until he quivered in pleasure.
Joey groaned softly and opened his eyes, taking a deep breath to steady himself before giving in fully to the heat pooling between his legs. His hands moved over himself almost of their own accord, stroking himself. As a dark heat began to rush through his veins, all Joey could think about was Marco—how it would feel to have him there with him, touching him like no one else ever had or ever would…
He brushed his fingers against the sensitive skin of his hole, biting his lip at the new sensations that rushed through him at the touch.
He'd never been properly fucked by a man before. He hadn't ever been brave enough to be that vulnerable with someone.
But the thought of it filled him with an almost unbearable longing and anticipation. His breathing was coming in short, ragged bursts now as his hips moved in small circles, seeking out whatever pleasure could be found in this moment. He slipped a finger inside himself, embracing the sensation—equal parts strange and overwhelming.
The pleasure was slowly building inside him, pushing him ever closer to the edge as he imagined Marco's words of praise and encouragement. He could hear Marco's voice in his head—low and throaty, filled with a dirty desire that made Joey feel both guilty and aroused all at once.Come on, kid,Marco would murmur against his ear, his fingers driving inside of Joey...
The sensations built to an explosive climax, and Joey barely managed to bite down on his gasp. He came apart in a shower of stars, his body trembling from the intensity of his pleasure.
Collapsing against the wall, he closed his eyes and simply breathed, feeling empty. But it wasn't in a bad way—for one pure moment, Joey was able to forget the situation he was in.
This was just… releasing pressure. That was it. Consider it a… a safety valve.
Yeah. Just that.
But even as he buried his face in the pillow that night, and tried to force himself to sleep, the image of Marco–alluring, dangerous, and utterly irresistible–lingered in his dreams, a tantalizing reminder of the forbidden desires that threatened to consume him.
Chapter nine
Marcosteppedintothedimly lit strip club, the thump of bass-heavy music pulsating through his veins. He scanned the room, taking in the writhing bodies on the stage and the drunken patrons ogling them with animal grins.