Page 5 of Sloth

“Trisha Gluttony,” he whispered.

“Were you expecting someone else?” she asked.

“I was expecting to wake up in my own home. Where are we?” he asked.

“We’re at my safe house and no one can touch you here,” she promised. He rubbed the back of his sore neck and winced.

“You drugged me,” he accused.

“I did, but in my defense, you left me no other choice,” she insisted. “My father and your father were conspiring to murder you and you were being a stubborn ass.”

“I was not being a stubborn ass. I told you that I can handle my father. I’m betting this isn’t the first time your father has ordered a hit on me, so when I said that I had things under control, I meant it.”

“You were about to walk into the lion’s den, Vic,” she spat. God, he hated being called that.

“It’s Victor,” he corrected. “My name isn’t Vic.”

“Oh, keep your shorts on,” she said. “You have bigger things to worry about than me shortening your name into an adorable nickname.”

“Speaking of shorts, did you undress me last night?” he asked, looking down at his own body. She turned an adorable shade of pink that he’d usually found sexy as hell, but for some reason, seeing Trish blush just pissed him off.

“I did,” she said, “but I left your pants on,” she insisted.

“Yeah, I got that. Where’s my gun?” he asked.

“Oh, I had to take that. I couldn’t have you coming in here and shooting me before we’ve had our breakfast,” Trish said.

“So, I can shoot you after breakfast then?” he asked. She giggled as if he was joking, but he didn’t find any of this funny. “I’d like to go home, now, please,” he shouted. She turned off the stove, removing the pan of bacon from the burner.

“I’m sorry, but that’s not possible Victor,” she said.

“Why isn’t it possible for me to go home?” he asked.

“Because you no longer have a home to go to,” she breathed, sitting the dish of scrambled eggs on the table next to the toast. “My father had your house blown up. I guess he was hoping that you’d be in it, but you were here with me instead.”

“Your father blew up my house?” he shouted at her.

“Don’t yell at me, I didn’t do it. But yes, my father blew up your house. And from what my brother told me, he knows that you weren’t in it and has extended his search parameters. Your father has also lent my dad some of his men to help look for you.”

“That’s bullshit,” he said, “where is my phone? I want to call my father to find out just what’s going on here.”

“Oh, I tossed that out the window on our way here last night,” she casually admitted. This woman was psycho. And to think, he used to have a crush on Trisha Gluttony. He showed interest in her when he was in high school, but her older brother beat the shit out of him and told him to keep his eyes and his hands to himself. He didn’t dare look in her direction since that day. In fact, he went out of his way to ignore her every time they were thrown together.

“Let me get this straight—you tossed my phone out of your car window and you took my gun,” he said.

“Correct, but I didn’t toss your gun out of my window. I mean, that would be irresponsible, right?” she asked. She sat down at the kitchen table and nodded to the chair across from hers. She had poured him coffee and he wanted it more than he wanted answers, so he sat.

Victor took a sip of his coffee and watched as she loaded first his plate and then her own, full of the breakfast foods that she had made. “Dig in,” she ordered.

“So, we’re going to just sit here, eat breakfast, and pretend that you didn’t kidnap me?” he asked. She shoveled a bite of scrambled eggs into her mouth and nodded.

“I don’t see what I did as kidnapping you, Victor,” she mumbled around a mouthful of food.

“No?” he asked, “well then, how do you see it?” he asked. “You barged into the men’s bathroom and accosted me.”

“I did not barge into the men’s bathroom,” she insisted. “I found you in there and you weren’t very nice to me if I remember correctly.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” he said, “I didn’t realize that I was supposed to be nice to the woman who stuck a needle in my neck, drugging me, and carrying me out of the restaurant to kidnap. Should I have thanked you for all of that? How rude of me.” Yeah, he was being a sarcastic ass, but there was something about Trisha that really rubbed him the wrong way. She knew just what buttons to push to make him lose his mind. He was trying to keep his cool but was quickly losing patience and control every time she spoke.