Page 22 of Sloth

“I don’t want to play games anymore, Bruno. I see how you look at me, and I’m done pretending not to want you,” Gino said.

“You want me?” Bruno questioned. Gino pulled Bruno’s hand that he was holding in his own down to his cock and loved the way Bruno’s fingers wrapped around his erections.

“Yeah, I want you. I’m just hoping that you feel the same way about me, man,” he breathed as Bruno’s fingers continued to explore his shaft.

“I do,” Bruno admitted. “I’ve wanted you for a long time now. I just couldn’t figure you out, Gino.” He felt about ready to explode out of his pants and he knew that if he didn’t stop Bruno from touching him, he’d do just that. Gino pulled Bruno’s hand from his cock and up to his mouth, gently kissing his knuckles.

“Why’d you do that?” Bruno asked.

“Because I don’t want to come in my pants like a fucking teenager,” Gino said. “I want you naked and with me when we both lose our loads. Is that something that you want too, Bruno?” he asked. God, he felt like he was holding his breath waiting for Bruno to give his answer. If he said that he wasn’t on board for everything that Gino wanted, he’d not only lose the man he had wanted for a damn long time, but he’d also lose his best friend and partner. Bruno had become that to him, he just wished that the guy would trust him and let him in for once.

“That is something that I want,” Bruno whispered. “But you have to know that being with me won’t be easy,” he said. They had already been on the run together once this year. When Bruno’s younger sister kidnapped Victor Sloth to keep him safe from old man Gluttony putting out a hit on him, she sent the syndicate into an uproar. Bruno’s father was going after everyone, including his own children. He had put out a hit on Trisha for helping Victor and then, he killed Victor’s father when he turned his back on their alliance. Bruno was worried that his old man was trigger-happy and would come gunning for him next, so he and Gino disappeared to one of Bruno’s safe houses for a couple of months, until things died down at home.

The Gluttony Syndicate had cut itself off from all the other families. The other six families had formed an alliance and had promised retaliation if the Gluttony family came after any of them. It was something that Bruno had been trying to avoid, but his father had led them right into danger. Bruno was constantly looking over his shoulder. He worried that his father would find out that he was trying to work with the other families to oust him from the head of household position. Gino knew that Bruno would make a fantastic leader for the Gluttony family, and he’d back him no matter what. It’s part of the reason why he never gave old man Gluttony any information when he asked.

Mr. Gluttony had called him into his office, just as Gino told Bruno, but he asked him for so much more than information about his son. He had asked Gino if or when the time came, he’d take Bruno out for him. He gave him some song and dance that Bruno was a threat to the syndicate. He told Gino that killing Bruno might be the only way to protect the family and the old ways that old man Gluttony clung to so fiercely. Gino hated the old ways, and he hated that the man could even ask him to kill his only son. Refusing Mr. Gluttony wasn’t an option, so, of course, Gino lied and agreed to his plan. He told his boss that he’d be happy to kill Bruno, for the well-being of the family. He convinced him that he was a team player who wanted to help the old ways flourish for the next generations to come. He lied his ass off to get Mr. Gluttony to believe him and then, he high tailed it out of his office, thankful to still be alive.

Gino debated whether or not to tell Bruno, but then everything went down with Trisha, and Victor Sloth and all Gino could think about was keeping Bruno safe from whatever his father had planned next for him. They left town, and Gino was sure that the two of them would be able to find some connection while they were hidden away at the safe house, but he was wrong. Bruno only pushed him further away while they were there. He’d shut himself away in his room and only come out for meals that Gino cooked for them. And Gino foolishly let Bruno push him out of his life, believing that it was for the best because falling for his boss wasn’t really the smartest idea he had ever had. No, wanting Bruno Gluttony wasn’t the best plan, but he just couldn’t help himself any longer. The cat was out of the bag, and now, he was relying on Bruno to help him figure out his next step.

“I understand,” Gino said. “Hell, I’ve been your partner for almost two years now, and nothing about you is easy, man,” Gino teased.

“Shut the fuck up,” Bruno growled. God, he loved his man growley and pissed off. That was when he found Bruno to be at his sexiest. “Let’s go,” he ordered. “I have to talk to my father and then, I plan on taking you back to my place for the night. You good with that?” he asked Gino. He damn near swallowed his tongue trying to get his answer out.

“I’m good with that,” Gino agreed. He was sure that he had been given his answer. Bruno wanted him and that was all that really mattered. They’d just have to figure out how to keep their relationship under wraps from the rest of the family members. The old ways that Mr. Gluttony clung to so desperately wouldn’t allow for the two of them to be together and Gino was sure that Bruno’s father would put an end to their relationship, one way or another.

Gluttony (Deadly Sins Syndicate Book 7) Universal Link->

What’s coming up next from KL Ramsey? You won’t want to miss Rovena (The Garo Syndicate Book 3), coming in May 2023!


Rovena Garo turned the corner of the crowded street into the alley. She knew for sure that she was being followed and there was no way that she was going to lead whoever was trailing her back to her home. This wasn’t the first time that she felt as if someone was following her, but that came with the last name that she bore. Being a Garo meant dealing with dangerous situations on a constant basis. She had gotten used to it, really, but that didn’t mean that she had to like anything about it.

She tried every door to what she assumed was the back of a warehouse until she finally found one open and ducked into it. Rovena had been taught what to do in circumstances like this. Hell, she had been raised to fight her way out of any situation and she was quite capable, even if her brothers only credited her for being a good shopper.

That was the running family joke and one that she tried to take lightly but hearing them razz her about being a princess or that the only thing she was good at was shopping, hurt her feelings. Not that she’d ever tell them that. Edon was the worst at teasing her and now that Bekim was living in the United States, she didn’t hear it from him as much. When he did bother to call her, she’d get an earful about how great his new wife Amra was or how many more weeks it was until she gave birth to their son. Her brothers were all lost in their domestic bliss and that just plain made her sick.

Rovena pulled her gun from her handbag and shoved it back up onto her shoulder. There was no way that she was leaving her favorite Birkin behind, no matter how big and bulky it was. That bag had cost her a small fortune and where she went, it went.

She had almost made her way to the back of the warehouse when she heard the same back door, that she had just used to access the building, open and slam shut. She heard a man’s muffled voice fill the air with curses and she stifled her giggle. Rovena loved the thrill of the chase, even if she was the one being chased. Whoever was after her wasn’t very good at his job. That was evident from the amount of noise he was making. He had no idea what he was getting himself into by coming for her, but he was about to find out.

Rovena crouched in the corner of the warehouse, which was no easy feat in the heels that she had chosen to wear today. Hell, maybe her brothers were right—maybe she was a princess, but there was no way that she’d let this guy catch her. Princess or not, she’d be the one walking out of that building, and of that, she had no doubt.

Her father used to like to tell her that her overconfidence would be either the end of her or of him. He liked to tease her that she’d most definitely give him a heart attack with the way she lived life with a fearless determination, but that was just who he had raised her to be. Her mother died when she was still quite young and being raised by the head of the Garo Syndicate and her three older brothers made her a whole lot tougher than the other girls she knew in town.

“I know that you’re in here, sweetheart,” the man said. She had guessed that he had given up on being stealthy enough to take her by surprise.

“Come find me asshole,” she breathed to herself. Rovena listened as he walked around the side of the warehouse, practically backing her into a corner in the rear of the building. Rovena was essentially trapped and that should scare her to death, but instead, it excited her to no end.

She waited for him to come into view and when she knew that she had a good shot, she took it, nailing him right in the upper right thigh. He shouted out in pain and sank to the ground.

“You bitch,” the guy spat. He lay on the concrete floor, holding his leg. “I’m going to fucking kill you.”

“I’d really like to say that I believe you, but you are the one laying on the ground with a bullet hole in your leg,” she taunted. Rovena was careful not to step in the guy’s line of fire, not wanting to end up just as bad as he was, or worse. “How about you tell me why you’re following me, and I’ll call some help for you,” she offered.

His laughter filled the warehouse, and she knew that he was trying to egg her on. “You have no idea, do you?” he taunted.

“Why not enlighten me then?” she called back. “You know since I’m so clueless.”