Page 13 of Sloth

“Can’t help you out there, Dad,” Victor said. “You see, I’ve worked out a little backup plan of my own. If I’m not home in the next hour, Trisha Gluttony is going to blow this place to kingdom come. I’ve planted a bomb in the building, and she has the detonator. If I don’t show up back at the safehouse in time, she has orders to blow this place up.” He knew that his father loved the syndicate and the building that housed it more than he ever loved him. It was a sad but true fact.

“She would kill you too,” his father said. “You’re lying about the bomb.” He was, but there was no way that he’d tell his father that now. He needed him to believe that he was crazy enough to blow himself up if he didn’t get his way. It was probably his only way out of the building.

“Trish is a smart woman. She knows that if I don’t show back up at home, I’m already dead by either your or Mr. Gluttony’s hand. This is just a little insurance policy that I’ve put in place. What’s it going to be, Dad? You want to save your building or have your revenge against your only son?” His father stood there as if it was a tough decision to make, and for just a second, Victor thought that he might have underestimated his father’s will to take him down.

“You can go,” his father spat. “Just know that I will find both you and Trisha and you’ll pay.”

Victor laughed at his father’s over-the-top theatrics. “Okay, Dad,” he said. “Good seeing you again. Good luck with Mr. Gluttony. Just remember, I gave you a way out of this mess, and you turned me down flat.” He started for the door and held his breath the whole way to the elevator. He was sure that his father would give the order for his men to kill him. The one thing that Victor knew for sure was that his father didn’t like losing—not to anyone, but especially to his son. Maybe he saw Victor as a threat—a younger, better version of himself, but one thing was for sure, he never loved Victor. Having a son was a means to an end for his father. It gave him someone to pass his empire down to. His father was a smart man, and he knew that he wouldn’t be able to live forever, no matter how badly he wanted to. Sooner or later, he’d have to turn the syndicate over to Victor, but having his hand forced was something he wouldn’t take lying down. No, his father was going to give him a fight, and Victor was ready for it.

* * *

Trisha met him on the porch, her arms crossed over her impressive chest, and Victor knew that he was in trouble. He was so careful not to involve her in the crazy plan that Carter and Bowie had come up with. He told her that they were working on it, but he never told her that today was the day. And if she knew that he had been stupid enough to go to the Sloth Syndicate’s office to have a face-to-face meeting with his father, she’d kick his ass. Judging from the look on her beautiful face though, she already knew all about his meeting.

He got out of the car and met her on the porch. “Hi, honey,” he said, trying to kiss her cheek. Trish quickly pulled away from him, not letting him land the kiss.

“Don’t you, ‘Hi, honey’ me,” she spat. “How about you tell me why you lied to me? You said that you were meeting with the guys,” she said.

“I did meet with Bowie and Carter,” he said. “That part wasn’t a lie. Listen, can we sit down and talk about this?” he asked.

“You want to talk about everything now? How could you just take off and go to see your father without telling me first? Do you know how worried I’ve been about you since I got the news?” she asked.

“How in the hell did you get news that I went to see my father?” he asked. “Do you have someone following me or something?”

“No,” she breathed, “I have people on the inside at my father’s syndicate and I got a call about thirty minutes ago that your father walked into the Gluttony Syndicate building. I also found out that my father believes that your father has betrayed him. It’s all part of the plan that you hatched with Carter and Bowie, isn’t it?” she asked.

“It was, but everything has gotten fucked up. I went in there and told him about the fake alliance and how your father believes that he’s a part of it. He threatened to take me to your father to tell him that it was all a lie, but I bluffed my way out of there.”

“Dear God,” she breathed, “how did you manage to do that?”

“I told him that if I didn’t come back here, you’d blow up the Sloth building,” he said. “I lied and said that I had planted a bomb and you were in on it.”

“That was fast thinking,” she said, “but I’m still pissed at you for putting yourself in danger. You should have told me what you were doing, Victor. I thought that we agreed to be a team.” She was right. They had agreed to be a team. The very first night that they were together, while he was holding her after they made love, he promised her that they were in this thing together.

“I did promise you that, and I’m sorry for sneaking out of here this morning. I should have told you where I was going. You had a right to know,” he said.

“You’re right,” she agreed. “I did have a right to know.” She sunk into the sofa, and he did the same, careful to continue giving her space. “If you told your father that he’s in danger and that my father believes that the Sloth family has betrayed him, why did he go to see my father after you left?”

“Because he’s an idiot. He’s a stubborn old man who thinks that the old ways and old friendships are sacred enough to protect him. He’s a fool,” Victor growled. “He’s going to get himself killed and there’s nothing that I can do about it.”

“Maybe he’ll be able to convince my father that the rumors aren’t true and that he’s still loyal to him,” Trisha offered. Victor shot her a sideways look and she shrugged. “Well, I’m just trying to help.”

“Honestly, I don’t care what happens to him now. I know that makes me sound like a heartless monster, but he threatened to kill me—right there in his fucking office. My father never cared for me. I was a pawn in his game. I’m just someone who can fill the seat and keep it warm after he’s gone, but he doesn’t even believe that I’m worthy of that now. No, your father can have his way with my dad. I’m done trying to protect him. The only person I plan on protecting from here on out is you, Trish.”

“I see,” she breathed. She let out her breath and scootched over to him, snuggling into his body. “And I’ll do everything in my power to protect you too, Victor,” she said. “It’s why I kidnapped you and brought you here in the first place.”

“I thought that you did that because of your massive crush on me,” he teased.

She giggled and he wrapped his arms around her. “Well, that too,” she agreed. “I think we just had our first fight.” Victor thought that it was pretty damn cute that she thought that what had just happened between them was a fight.

“Well, then, how about some makeup sex?” he teased. She practically crawled onto his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Yes, please,” she purred. Victor wasn’t sure how he had missed it for so many years, but he was pretty sure that Trisha Gluttony was the perfect woman for him. There was no way that he’d ever question how he had gotten so lucky to be kidnapped by his mafia princess—he was just one lucky son-of-a-bitch.


Trish loved the way that Victor touched her. He treated her as though she was precious and made her feel that way just by the way he looked at her. “I still can’t believe that you’re mine,” he whispered to her.

“I am,” she assured, “I’ve waited my whole life to be yours, Victor.” She’d given him her virginity and she was willing to give him so much more if he just asked. Victor crushed his lips to hers, not allowing her time to think or even breathe as he got her naked. Before she knew it, she was completely bare, kneeling before him, waiting for him to get his cock out for her to taste. She loved the way that he let her play with him and explore his body. This was all so new to her; she loved that Victor didn’t hinder her from touching him or asking him questions about what they were going to do next.