Page 24 of Sloth

“Fine,” Jak agreed. “But let me handle this. If you tell her that she has to get on a plane and go with me to America, she’ll balk at the idea. We have to come up with a good reason why she needs to head to the States to visit Bekim.”

“They are incredibly close. Out of all of us guys, Rovena is closest to Bek,” Edon said.

“We can use that to our advantage. Can you get Bekim on the phone? If he asks her to fly to America for a good reason, she’ll agree,” Jak said.

“Right,” Edon said, pulling his cell phone from his jacket pocket. They stood in silence as the phone rang, waiting for Bekim to answer.

“Hello,” Bekim said. “Do you have any idea what time it is here?” he grumbled.

Jak knew that it was the middle of the night there, but they needed his help—Rovena’s life depended on it.

“Yeah—sorry, brother,” Edon said. “Listen, I have Jak Tirana here with me. Our sister is in danger and well, I think she needs to leave Albania for a while.”

“In danger how?” Bekim asked, cutting right to the chase.

“The Tirana Syndicate feels that the Garos owe them their pound of flesh for what you did,” Jak said.

“And you’re going to hurt our little sister to get your revenge?” Bekim shouted.

“No,” Jak said. “I’d never hurt your sister. I’m in love with her.”

“Jesus, Jak,” Edon said. “Can you please stop saying that?”

“So, you and Rovena are together then?” Bekim asked.

“No,” Jak admitted. He wished like hell that was the case, but Rovena didn’t even give him the time of day usually. “She has no idea how I feel about her, but I want to help. It’s why I came straight to Edon when I found out what my family was doing. They sent my cousin after her and well, she ended up killing him, but the next time she might not be so lucky.”

“Fuck—she killed a guy?” Bekim asked.

“Yeah, our little sister is tough, but Jak’s right. The next time she might not be so lucky. We need to make sure that there’s not a next time, Bek. I need you to help us convince her to come to America.”

“Why me?” Bekim asked.

“Because she trusts you. You’re her favorite, and we all know it. She won’t listen to me if I give her the order to leave Albania,” Edon admitted.

“And she doesn’t even talk to me,” Jak said, “so, I’m guessing she won’t listen to me either.”

“What am I supposed to tell her?” Bekim asked.

“Tell her that you and Amra want her to help with the baby’s nursery. She’d never pass up a chance to shop for her new nephew.”

“We do need to finish the nursery. The baby will be here in two months,” Bekim said. “Are you sure she’ll come all the way over here for a shopping spree?” he asked.

“It’s like you don’t even know our little sister,” Edon teased. As if on cue, Rovena walked into Edon’s office as if she owned the place. It was one of the things that Jak loved most about her. She was always so self-assured and confident and that turned him completely on.

“Speak of the devil,” Edon teased. “I have Bekim on the phone and we were just talking about you.”

“Oh,” she breathed. God, she was gorgeous, and she didn’t even look over at Jak standing in the corner of Edon’s office. She treated him as if he didn’t exist and while that should hurt his feelings, it made him want her even more.

“Yeah,” Bekim’s voice filled the office. “Amra and I were hoping that you’d help us finish designing the nursery.”

“Me?” she asked. “She wants me to help design the nursery?”

“Yep,” he said. “You know that Amra doesn’t have a clue when it comes to decorating and designing. She’d love you to give her a hand. The baby will be here in two months and well, we have nothing ready.”

“And this wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that I was chased into a warehouse downtown and forced to kill a man in cold blood. Or the fact that he told me that the Tirana’s wouldn’t rest until one of us paid them their pound of flesh. Which brings me to my next question,” she said, turning to look Jak over. “What the hell is he doing here? You do know that he’s a Tirana, right?”

“I know who Jak is,” Edon assured. “I also know that I can trust him. If you agree to go visit Bekim and help Amra with the nursery, Jak will accompany you. He’ll have inside information and will be able to clue us in if the Tirana’s make a move.”