Page 20 of Sloth

“You really are,” Mr. Gluttony said, walking into the back of the nightclub. He had two armed guards with him, and the smug smile on his face had Victor worried.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Bruno asked his father.

“I could ask you the same thing, son. You told me that you would have no more contact with Sloth or the rest of the syndicate members, yet here you are.” This wasn’t going to end well for any of them, especially if the other guys showed up at the nightclub to find Mr. Gluttony there.

“I just came to wish him and my sister well. I thought that we were extending an olive branch, remember?” Bruno asked, keeping up the ruse.

“Oh, I remember,” his father drawled. “I’m just starting to wonder if you remember the promise that you made me. You’re on my side of this, Bruno. You want the old ways, or was that just smoke and mirrors to get me to let Trish and Sloth go?”

“Of course not, Father,” Bruno insisted. “None of that has changed. I just wanted to make sure that Victor knows to treat my sister well. Otherwise, our olive branch will disappear.”

“Yeah, got it,” Victor mumbled. “You really didn’t need to come all the way down to my bachelor party to tell me that, Bruno. I’m going to take care of Trish—on that, you have my word.” He knew that Bruno was going to have to walk out of there with his father. Otherwise, the rest of the families were going to show up and their cover would be blown. It just sucked that he wasn’t going to get to hang out with his new brother-in-law the night before his wedding. In all honesty, he kind of liked the guy, not that he’d ever admit that to Bruno. He felt bad that Trish wouldn’t have her brother at their wedding to give her away like she wanted, but they just couldn’t risk him showing up.

“You should leave now, Bruno,” Victor ordered. “I have a party to get to, and you have your father’s ass to kiss.” A flash of anger in Bruno’s eyes had Victor feeling like an ass, but they were both playing a part here and they needed to keep it up if they wanted to walk out of there alive.

“Fuck off,” Bruno growled. He plowed past Victor, leaving him standing there alone to face Mr. Gluttony.

“Just be warned,” old man Gluttony said. “I know that Trisha and I aren’t on the best of terms, but she’s still my daughter. You hurt her, and I’ll cross every line that my son has drawn in the sand to get to you. There will be nowhere you’ll be able to hide, Sloth,” he threatened.

“Understood,” Victor said, trying to keep his calm. He wanted to tell the old man to go fuck himself, but that wouldn’t get him out of that back room any faster. “Have a nice night, Mr. Gluttony,” he said. Victor turned his back to the three men and took a deep breath, hoping like hell that he didn’t just turn his back on the devil. When he got into the nightclub, he finally let out the breath that he was holding. The rest of the guys were in a private room that they had rented for the night, including Gino. He had stayed back with the guys, waiting for Bruno, when he heard that Mr. Gluttony had shown up with a few of his men.

“How did it go?” Gino asked.

“As well as could be expected,” Victor said. “Bruno lied his ass off. He told his father that he was here to read me the riot act about taking care of Trish—or else.”

“Did his father buy it?” Gino asked.

“Yeah, and Bruno took off. You need a ride home or are you going to hang out with us?” Victor asked.

“I better take off,” Gino said. “I’ll swing by Bruno’s place to make sure that he’s okay. Have a good night, man, and congratulations.”

“Thanks, Gino, and tell Bruno that I appreciate him covering my ass again. I owe him,” Victor said.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure that he’ll collect at some point,” Gino teased. Victor laughed with the rest of the guys, but he was sure of one thing—Bruno Gluttony would come to find him to collect the debt that Victor owed him. He just hoped like hell that he’d be ready and able to help his new brother-in-law out. It was the least he could do for the guy who helped save not only his life but the woman he loved.

The End

I hope you enjoyed Victor and Trisha’s story. Now, buckle up for your inside sneak peek at K.L. Ramsey’s seventh Deadly Sins Syndicate book! Gluttony is coming in July 2023


Bruno Gluttony knew better than to trust anyone, especially not anyone in his family’s syndicate. But there was something about his partner, Gino Trotta, that made him want to trust him. Hell, he wanted to do more with Gino than just trust him. They had been working together now for almost two years, and if he was being honest with himself, he had fallen in love with the guy. The question was, would he be able to let his guard down and finally let Gino in?

“I’ve been waiting forever, man,” Gino said. “Are you coming or what?” They were on assignment. His father had stuck them both on babysitting duty and Bruno knew that was some sort of punishment for being so vocal about his father’s crooked business dealings. If Bruno had his way, he would stop all the killing and vendettas that seemed to fuel his father’s daily existence.

“I’m coming,” Bruno said, storming past him, “and, you need to remember who is in charge here. I’m the one giving the orders, not you.”

“Got it,” Gino said. He was wearing the cheeky grin that always turned Bruno on. A part of him wondered if Gino had any idea what he did to him. Probably not. Hell, Bruno knew that the guy dated, but he wasn’t sure if he was into women or men. They really never discussed shit like that, and why would they? They were partners at work, and that’s where things ended.

“I just didn’t think that a pee break would take you so long, man,” Gino teased. Bruno should have known that he wasn’t going to drop the subject. “I mean, you sure that you’re okay?”

“You aren’t funny,” Bruno grumbled. “I got a phone call while I was in there and took it. I didn’t know that I needed to run my plans by you beforehand.”

Gino held up his hands, “Not at all, boss,” he said. God, he hated when Gino called him, “Boss.” They both knew that he didn’t mean it.

“Shut the fuck up,” Bruno growled. “You know that I hate it when you call me that.”

“Call you what?” Gino asked. He was still wearing that sexy, shit-eating grin that made Bruno want to punch and kiss the guy all at the same time.