Page 15 of Sloth

“I’m aware,” Victor said. “Trish told me that you called to tell her that he showed up at the Gluttony Syndicate building after I left him.”

“Yes, and my father apparently didn’t believe that you had set your father up. He had his guys remove your father from his office and then, he gave the order for him to be killed. I’m so sorry, man,” Bruno said. “My father killed your dad.” Trish gasped when her brother said those words to Victor. How did she live with that? How did the two of them live with the fact that her dad killed Victor’s father? Would he still want her after he had time to weigh his options, or would he realize that her family was pure evil and dump her?

“It wasn’t supposed to go down like this,” Victor whispered. “He was supposed to see the light and turn to the other families for help. We had this whole plan worked out.”

“Who did?” Bruno asked.

“Bowie Wrath, Carter Lust, and me. We met just before your sister kidnapped me and talked it over. They thought that it might work to segregate our families from each other and that hopefully, my father would have a change of heart and want to be partners with me. I didn’t want things to end this way.”

“Of course, you didn’t,” Trisha whispered. “No one would wish their own parent to be killed.”

“No, but that doesn’t stop our fathers from wanting us dead. Listen, Victor,” Bruno said. “Don’t beat yourself up too much about this. Your father had a hit put out on you. He wanted you dead. There was no way that he’d ever come around to your way of thinking. He’d never wanted to be a partner with you. Hell, if he’s anything like my old man, he would have done anything within his power to keep control of the head of household position for as long as possible. They don’t want to give up that power—not even to their sons. They raised us to be just like them, so that one day, when we took over for them, they’d feel good about it. But you and I, well, we didn’t turn out like our old men. We both have a conscious. We want to do things differently and that’s what will end up winning us the head of household.”

“Thanks for saying that,” Victor said. “I just need time to process all of this. Thanks for calling with the news.”

“I just wish it could be better news,” Bruno said. “Talk soon.” He ended the call and Victor handed her back the phone and thanked her.

She stood from his lap and instantly missed his arms around her. “I’m so sorry, Victor,” she said.

“You have nothing to be sorry for, honey,” he insisted. He stood from the couch and pulled on his pants. “I’m going to take a quick shower and then, I’ll make us some dinner.”

“You don’t have to do that,” she said, reaching for his arm. He pulled free from her, and she felt like that was a slap in the face. “Victor,” she breathed.

“I’m sorry,” he said, “I just need some time to think. Can you give me that?” he asked.

“Of course,” she agreed. She wanted to tell him that she didn’t want to give him time. She wanted to shout at him that she wanted to sit down and talk this out, but he wasn’t ready. Her only option was to agree to give him what he wanted, and apparently, that was space and time to think.


Victor walked into the warehouse meeting, wanting to know what the hell happened to their damn plan. With every day that passed, he ended up getting angrier and angrier at the whole situation. His father wasn’t supposed to end up dead. He was supposed to see the fucking light and join forces with the alliance. That was the damn plan, but that all went sideways when he showed up in Gluttony’s office and was murdered in cold blood.

He stormed past the guards at the front door and into the massive, empty room where the other syndicate members sat. They were all there—Damion Pride and his wife Nixon Lust, Finn Envy along with his husband Jett Greed, Rock Greed, Carter Lust, and Bowie Wrath. Hell, even Bruno Gluttony sat at the end of the table, shocking the hell out of him. All the families were represented with Victor showing up and he knew that he’d finally get some answers.

“We saved you a seat, Victor,” Bowie said. “Glad you could make it.” Victor took the seat next to Bruno and nodded at Bowie.

“I wouldn’t miss this for the world,” Victor said. “I’ve come for answers and I’m betting that you can give them to me.” He turned in his chair to look at Bruno. “Your father had my father murdered, and I’m wondering why you’re even here.”

“He’s here because we invited him,” Rock Greed spoke up.

“Bruno wants to change things just like the rest of us do,” Finn Envy added.

“It’s true, man,” Bruno said, “I had nothing to do with the hit on your father. I wasn’t even in town when it happened. If I had been, I might have been able to stop my father. I thought that I explained all of this when I called the other day. What’s changed?” he asked. Victor wanted to tell him that everything had fucking changed. He had time to think about everything and he needed someone to blame, and that someone was Bruno.

“Then why not stop him now?” Victor asked. “I mean, if you have the power to stop your father, then fucking do it.”

“I’m afraid it’s too late. My father has practically kicked me out of the family since I took off. I had to go into hiding as you and Trish did, and now, he’s reduced me to menial jobs and stuff like that.”

“Gee, I feel awful for you,” Victor said. Sure, he sounded like an asshole, but he just couldn’t help himself. He wanted someone to blame, and Bruno was sitting right beside him.

“Are you angry at Trish for what happened with your father?” Bruno asked.

“What? Of course not,” Victor said. “She had nothing to do with the hit. She was with me the whole time.”

“You do know that we both have the same last name—Gluttony, right? Yet, you seem to just want to blame me for what happened to your father, even though I was also out of town at a safe house, trying to stay off my dad’s radar. You do know that he has a hit out on you and Trish now, don’t you?”

“I’m aware,” Victor grumbled.

“Well, I’m here to help with that. I want to keep my sister safe, and even though you might not believe it, I want to keep you safe too.”