Page 75 of Ground Truth

Drake gave him a nudge. When he opened his eyes again, the Dash 8 was preparing to land in Atabei.

Flint looked out the big windows to catch a breathtaking view of the spectacular crescent-shaped island. White sand sparkled in the sun like brilliant diamonds surrounded by the turquoise water of the Caribbean Sea.

As the Dash 8 descended, coral reefs and schools of tropical fish were visible through the clear water. The island’s hilly terrain and lush vegetation reminded him of Turks and Caicos.

Flint had been unable to unearth the sum Hedinger paid for the spectacular island. Rumors were that he’d performed a stunning favor for the former owner and received Atabei in exchange.

Flint assumed whatever Hedinger had done to inspire that sort of largesse was not only illegal and immoral but beyond unethical as well.

The Dash 8 hit the runway with a hard thump and strong brakes slowed it down before it sped off the runway into the sea. The pilot taxied the plane to the hangar and brought it to a stop. The two security guards unbuckled their seat belts, opened the door, and extended the jet stairs.

Peretz hustled down the stairs while the other guard stood at the exit to watch the workers file out.

Flint glanced out the window where a bus waited to collect the workers and drive them to the construction site on the other side of the island. He unbuckled his seat belt and stood in the aisle, stretching the kinks from his body.

As the workers ahead of him left their seats and filed out the door, Flint and Drake followed. Outside at the top of the stairs, he took a whiff of fuel-scented air and glanced toward the hangar. He counted six armed security guards from his vantage point, not including the two who had traveled from Miami on his flight.

Hedinger was serious about security for damned sure.

The construction crew hustled down the stairs and across the tarmac to the bus, where their badges were rechecked and they were wanded again before they were allowed to board.

Flint needed room to move. The first order of business was to escape the constant surveillance. Time was running faster than he’d planned.

They had seven hours to locate and interrogate Phillip Reed, including whatever follow-up was required after first contact. If Greta was here on Atabei, finding her would be the second order of business.

Drake increased his stride to join Flint on the walk to the bus. “Stay sharp. We don’t make it back for the return plane ride to Miami, Hedinger’s goons will hunt us down like killing rabbits.”

“No questions asked,” Flint replied, nodding in agreement.


Chapter 38


Drake and Flint had avoided detection because Peretz, the same guard they’d dealt with back in Miami, checked their badges before they boarded the bus with the others. Tension was so thick Flint could barely breathe.

The driver climbed into the driver’s seat and the two guards boarded the bus for the ride to the job site.

Flint had assumed the guards would rotate at different checkpoints.

Now he realized both guards would be with them for the entire day.

A lucky break.

Peretz could run interference for Flint and Drake should they need it. Which they probably would at some point.

For cover, Flint had chosen two skills for which there would be several men qualified on the job site. Electricians and plumbers were essential for installing high-end whirlpool tubs.

The construction plan was to install four tubs during today’s work hours.

Which meant the crew boss had allocated four electrician/plumber duos in his budget.

Flint and Drake had been paired together and assigned the installation at the far back wing of the building. The money he’d paid Peretz had been well spent. So far, so good.

The bus rumbled along the paved roads toward the enormous mansion Flint had seen on the satellite photos of Atabei. A truck followed along behind them carrying supplies and equipment. When the bus reached the long driveway still under construction, the driver stopped to drop off workers.

Another armed guard entered the bus and called for a dozen workers to follow him. They filed out behind the guard like a line of goslings following their mother.