Page 29 of Ground Truth

He listened for a moment and then replied, “Yes, Mr. Flint’s here now. Did you want to speak with him?” He looked puzzled as he shifted the phone away from his ear.

“Who was on the phone?” Flint asked.

Nick shook his head.

“What did he want?”

“He didn’t say.” Nick shrugged as he replaced the receiver with a frown. “He said he was calling about Marilyn Baker. When I said you were here, he hung up.”

Flint handed Nick a business card. “If he calls back, please give him my number.”

“Sure.” Nick slipped the card into his shirt pocket. He flipped a switch to open the big gate. “If he comes in with a court order before you do, I’ll be required to release the remains to him.”

Flint replied, “I understand. No problem. Thanks again for your help.”

Outside, Flint turned to Scarlett. “Did you tell anyone we were coming here or why?”

“Nope.” She shook her head.

“What the hell was that about, then?” Flint asked.

“I thought you didn’t care about Marilyn Baker’s remains.” Scarlett shrugged and punched the key fob. “Change your mind?”

“Not at all,” Flint replied. “But I’d like to know who’s taking an interest in Marilyn Baker after all these years besides me.”

“I’ll check the phone records. Find out who made that call.”


The SUV gave a chirp as the doors unlocked. They climbed aboard and she started the engine and headed toward the exit.

“Did you get what you wanted back there?” she asked as she turned from the driveway onto the road.

“A couple of small bones. The label was easy to peel and replace. He won’t even notice they’re missing,” Flint replied. “Forget the court order.”

“You’re sure?”

“One thousand percent.” Flint kneaded his forehead. “Last thing I want is a searchable public record.”

Scarlett gave him a side-eye. “Headache?”

“I banged my head when I was leaving Hedinger’s château. Probably a slight concussion. Nothing serious,” Flint replied.

“How’s your vision?”

“Good enough.”

“We need every one of the gray cells you have left in your big head.” Her tone brooked no argument. “Call Drake. He’ll drive you around for a few days.”

Flint scowled. “I tried, remember? He didn’t show up. That’s how you got the job today.”

Scarlett maneuvered the SUV expertly through the streets of Houston and pulled up into Flint’s driveway. “You planning to go anywhere else right now?”

“Not until I get some sleep,” he replied as he opened the SUV’s passenger door and stepped out. He retrieved his bag from the back.

“I’ll send Drake over,” Scarlett said before he escaped. “Who’s gonna dog sit for us if you pass out behind the wheel and crash before we leave for Disney? Maddy would never forgive you.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Flint flashed a mock scowl in her direction, and she flashed a grin in return.