What was all this about?
What was Reacher involved in here?
Messing around with weapons research and manufacturing didn’t seem like his area. Never had been. He was more interested in using whatever weapons he found at hand instead of dreaming up new ways to kill the enemy.
And he wasn’t all that interested in the DoD anymore, either.
Reacher wasn’t the kind of man to suffer regrets or remorse. He moved relentlessly forward. He’d left the Army fifteen years ago and never looked back.
Since then, he’d been into busting heads and eliminating two-legged vermin when they approached him.
Reacher was a trouble magnet, for sure. But he didn’t go looking for trouble.
At least as far as Kim had discovered.
She had been told to find him because her boss wanted Reacher for some sort of classified assignment.
Could Reacher’s strange behavior here have anything to do with that assignment?
Maybe Reacher had gotten wind of the plan, whatever it was.
Maybe he liked it.
Maybe he didn’t.
Maybe he was exploring the idea.
Maybe he intended to volunteer.
The thought made her smile. That old army standard, the one she’d heard from her dad, came to mind.
“Never volunteer.”
Advice to live by.
So what was Reacher doing and why had he involved Westwood and Chang and Kim in this deal?
Never-ending questions traveled through her head in rapid succession. She remembered all the reasons hunting Reacher was dangerous business.
Without backup from Cooper or Finlay, the assignment bordered on suicidal.
She tuned in again to Chang and Russell in conversation and opened her mouth to ask a question when another random thought popped up.
Kim had seen a small town near Oklahoma City on a map once. After a bit of searching, she’d found the origin of the town’s name.
An old Arapaho word, difficult to pronounce, had been corrupted toMother’s Rest.
Like the town of Mother’s Rest, Reacher’s orbit seemed, always and forever, the place where bad things grow.
All of which meant Liam Stuart, and everyone associated with him, was in serious trouble.
Chapter 32
Saturday, June 4