
Chapter 27

Saturday, June 4

Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, CA

The Chang and Otto standoff had ended by détente, opponents unharmed when Kim heard the lock click. Kim flipped her attention toward the noise, prepared to defend her turf.

The entry door opened slightly. The intruder paused.

A moment later, Russell held the door with his foot and moved inside, weapon ready, Kim’s laptop case slung across his shoulder.

Chang looked straight at him, eyes wide, and grabbed her pistol. She hadn’t been surprised to see Kim, but she appeared shocked when Russell showed up.

Proving Chang hadn’t been conducting surveillance because she’d have discovered and identified Russell.

Which meant Chang didn’t know everything about Kim’s recent activities.

Question was, what did Chang know, exactly?

“Who are you?” Chang demanded.

“Stand down. This is Special Agent Travis Russell, Secret Service.” Kim gestured while she established identity and lowered the tension. “Russell, this is former FBI Special Agent turned private investigator Michelle Chang.”

Russell cocked his head, raising his eyebrows. He wasn’t comfortable with Chang, regardless of her employment history. Not to mention her loaded weapon.

“At this point, I know two things.” Kim raised two fingers in response to his unasked questions. “Her name. And she didn’t shoot me when she could have.”

“That so?” Russell said, turning his narrowed gaze to Chang. “And what is the source of her intel?”

“We were just getting into that,” Kim replied. “What took you so long, anyway?”

“Parking,” he said dryly as he shrugged the laptop case off his shoulder and, freed of restrictions, turned to face Chang. “Let me see some ID. And this place doesn’t offer late night room service. I don’t suppose you’ve got any food?”

Chang handed over her ID wallet and give him a minute to examine the contents. “There’s a minibar. Help yourself.”

“Thanks.” Russell nodded after inspecting and returning her ID. “Where’s your bathroom? I need to wash up.”

Chang tilted her head in that direction. Russell ducked through and closed the door behind him.

“Why are you partnered with a Secret Service agent?” Chang asked as soon as Russell was out of earshot.

“That’s your first question?” Kim replied, shaking her head as she located the minibar and studied its contents. Processed junk food. Most of it had probably been in there for years. “Russell’s temporary. I’m waiting for a new partner.”

“What happened to the last one?”

“Moved on.” Kim grabbed an overpriced bottle of water and a bag of chocolate covered peanuts. She took everything to a chair across from Chang and settled in.

“Let’s wait for Russell. So we won’t need to catch him up.”

Chang seemed willing to follow Kim’s lead. For now.

Russell came back quickly enough. “You’ve got two bedrooms here. Who’s using the second one?”

“Why, do you need a bed for the night? It’s yours,” Chang replied.

“Possibly. Let’s see how this goes.” Russell pulled cashews and crackers and a soda from the minibar and joined them.