On the other side of the elevator Russell climbed the open stairs to the Mezzanine level. A marginally lighter horde gathered here waiting to enter the restaurant that overlooked the falls.

Russell muscled his way to the rear of the pack. Elevator doors opposite the hostess stand opened, disgorging another twenty people into the lobby. Russell slipped inside the elevator and pulled Kim in with him.

The doors closed and the elevator began the long climb up to Westwood’s suite on the twenty-second floor. Passengers disgorged on every floor until only six were left to exit at the top.

Russell and Kim were the last to leave the elevator car. They lingered a few moments to give the others lead time.

Kim led the way to room 2226.

She stood aside as Russell used his device to unlock the door while she gloved up. He pressed the levered handle with his sleeve and gave the door a shove.

Kim slipped inside first. Russell followed and closed the door.

The intruder had not opened the drapes, but he’d left all the lights on.

Inside the door, she stopped and stared.

The interior of the suite looked like it had been blown apart.

Russell halted immediately behind her. From his vantage point over her head, he scanned the damage as he gloved up.

Silently, Kim drew her weapon and stepped carefully into the common room. One quick glance around was enough to confirm that the intruder was done in this area.

He’d swept the entire room and tossed everything he touched onto the floor. The cushions were slashed and torn apart. Dishes lay in broken shards on the tile. Flatware was strewn in all directions.

Given the level of destruction, he’d probably been searching for more than a standard-sized laptop. He might have wanted the thumb drives Kim had already taken. Maybe he was looking for other things, too.

Russell drew his weapon and fanned out to Kim’s left. Muffled curses interspersed with the sounds of breaking objects came from deeper into the suite.

They approached the short corridor leading to both bedrooms.

Simultaneously, Kim heard the intruder thumping around, throwing objects to the ground, and cursing inside the bedroom closest to her.

Russell’s voice was louder and more bombastic than hers. Also more likely to make an immediate impact.

She gestured to convey the message. Russell nodded.

Kim assumed a shooter’s stance while Russell took two steps toward the door.

All at once, he reached out, slammed the door open, and yelled, “Police! Drop your weapon! Hands up!”


Chapter 21

Saturday, June 4

Niagara Falls, Ontario, CA

The man whipped around to face them. His features were sharp beneath pale skin. He was exceptionally thin, as if a character artist had drawn his accentuated skinny physique.

Dressed in black, head to toe.

Black knit cap covered his dark hair. Black leather gloves snugged long, slender fingers.

He’d have been nearly invisible in the darkness.

His black boots were wet and muddy, as if he’d been running along the hillside while someone chased him, perhaps.