She heard the roar of the falls and scratchy interference through the handset as he considered what to do next. His silence lasted too long.
“Look, Mr. Westwood, I don’t understand your lack of cooperation here,” Kim said irritably. “I’m an FBI agent. You sent Lucas to contactme. At Reacher’s suggestion. I came here to meet withyou, at your request. What was the point of all that if you won’t talk to me now?”
Westwood cleared his throat. “Are you alone?”
He sounded unsure about what to do next, as if he might bolt. Which meant she had a chance to tip the balance.
“Of course I’m not alone. FBI agents travel in pairs. My partner is with me. Agent Russell.” She paused to let the information soak in and then asked, “Where are you?”
“I’ll meet you in a public place. You’ll tell me about Lucas. Then I’ll decide,” Westwood said, as if he was controlling the situation. Which, for the moment, he was.
“That’s fine. Make it somewhere within walking distance.” He probably hadn’t gone far from the possessions he’d left in his suite or the witness he’d claimed was close by.
He paused a long agonizing time before he said, “It’s a holiday here. The Journey Behind the Falls tour is running late tonight for a special event.”
“How far away is it?”
“Ten minutes. Maybe less,” he said. “Get directions at the information desk in the lobby. Table Rock Centre. I’ll be waiting at the first observation deck below ground level. Near the retaining wall opposite the tunnel.”
“Sounds like it’ll be busy. Lots of people around,” Kim said, “Can we talk privately there?”
“The fireworks will be starting soon. Visitors will be focused on that,” Westwood replied.
“How will I find you?”
“I’ll find you,” he replied before he hung up.
Russell had completed his cursory search of the suite while she was on the phone. He walked into the room just as Westwood disconnected. “Where is he?”
“He wants to meet us outside, at the falls.” Kim dropped the phone into her pocket and retrieved Gaspar’s phone. “Bring his laptop and the charger. We’ll leave it in our SUV on the way out.”
“Copy that,” Russell said, closing the heavy draperies against long-distance surveillance. Just in case.
Kim headed toward the exit, calling Gaspar on the way.
When Gaspar picked up, Kim said, “Westwood just called me on Lucas’s phone. Can you trace the call? He wants to meet at the falls level observation deck, Table Rock Centre. I think that’s where he called from. I could hear the falls roaring in the background. He had to raise his voice, so he’s close to them somewhere.”
Gaspar clicked the keys on his keyboard.
After a couple of moments, he said, “Yeah. I’ve got him. He’s standing on the lower deck. On the side closest to the city. Away from the falls cascade. I can’t tell if he’s alone.”
“Can you get access to CCTV out there?” Kim asked, waving to Russell and heading toward the door.
“Possibly. How much time do we have?” Gaspar asked.
“Ten minutes. We’re on our way now. Do what you can,” Kim said as she hung up and followed Russell out the door and into the hallway.
“I’ve located Table Rock Centre,” Russell said when she met up with him at the elevator.
He’d removed his gloves after he punched the call button. The elevator car was headed down instead of up, which meant a longer wait.
“The hotel sits on a bluff. Table Rock Centre is down the hill. There’s a stairway from one to the other,” Russell said. “After we stash the laptop in the SUV, we can walk through the hotel, down the stairs, and across the parking lot.”
“Can we make it in ten minutes?” Kim asked, shucking her gloves before the car stopped to avoid curious glances.
The doors opened. Passengers stepped out. Kim moved inside. The elevator car descended.
“Did you get the vibe that he’d rabbit if we’re late?” Russell asked under his breath.