She glanced back to the scene. The intersection was now filled with first responders, kids, teachers, pedestrians, and gawkers. Several sirens were approaching from afar.
Because of the crash and its aftermath, the casino’s entrance was thoroughly blocked. She sent a quick text to the helo pilot to change their departure location.
Kim wouldn’t be able to return to the casino for a good long while after she met with Reacher. Assuming the incident didn’t prevent him from showing up at all.
Kim checked her watch. She was already late.
She straightened her clothes and hurried along the alley to the next street, seeking an unobstructed path to the meetup location.
Sensing she was being followed, she glanced back several times. She didn’t see anyone. “Fatigue is making you paranoid, Otto,” she murmured under her breath.
Kim finally spotted a sign pointing the way to the tunnel and trotted quickly in the right direction.
Too late.
When she arrived at the building, the front entrance was already closed.
The attraction had closed five minutes ago. But surely there were still tourists inside. They had to come out somewhere.
She’d familiarized herself with the building using their promotional materials online while she was enroute. She scanned for an open entrance.
The three main doors were solidly secure. But Kim finally found a side exit and waited around until a group of four came out.
She ran up to grab the door and slipped inside.
Reacher’s meeting spot was on the lower level near the falls viewing area. He’d circled the location on the postcard.
She’d examined it so many times she would recognize the exact bench even in total darkness.
People were now leaving the exhibit in droves. Kim pushed her way against the crowd like a salmon heading to spawn upstream.
Wet and shivering tourists had been drenched by the falls. Their yellow slickers dripped water onto the concrete floors, making them dangerous to cross.
Kim finally made her way to the curved entrance to the tunnel. She imagined she could see the circle around the specific location Reacher had chosen for their meeting.
From twenty feet away, she caught brief glimpses of the bench in the gaps between tourists.
The unoccupied bench.
Reacher was not there. Her shoulders slumped.
But Kim couldn’t give up.
She wasn’t that late.
Twenty minutes, tops.
He might still be in the area.
Watching for her.
Surely he had that much patience. He’d been an expert sniper once. Those guys were required to wait and watch, sometimes for very long periods.
Sure, Reacher could definitely wait.
But would he have waited for her?
Kim made her way through the throng to the concrete bench. She climbed up on the cold slab and peered over the heads of the crowd, looking for a giant.