While I still do not know much about the families of this city, I have picked up a few things in the months that I have spent in the Botticelli house. There are five families or mobs in this city – the Russians, Armenians, Triad, Yakuza, and Botticelli’s. None of the families truly like each other. Most of them would more than happily kill the others – especially the Armenians and the Yakuza.

“You are telling me, that I am not the daughter of just one family,” I pause, “but of two?”

“Yes,” she crosses her legs and sits back on the couch, her heel tapping on the marble floor. “Our relationship was forbidden. When you were born, I was elated that you looked nothing like him. Because it meant that it would be easier for me to hide who you really were. I ran away from my family, from this life. I never told anyone who you were or who your father was. Had anyone known that you were a future walking treaty between the two families, there would have been a contract on you within days. I did what I did to protect you.”

“To protect me,” I spit back, “You fucking left me with Frank.”

“Watch your mouth,” her voice quickly angers, “I am making amends for that and he will be dead by the end of the week.”

“I just want to go home.”

“Home,” she questions, “Back to Frank’s shitty apartment?”

“No,” I shake my head, “to Renzo.”

“I know this is a lot to process, and I will leave you to do that. But you can never return to the Botticelli’s. You are a Gregorian and a Tanaka. It is not safe for you there.”

Karyan stands from the couch and her heels click all the way to the door.

“I will be back in a few hours to check on you,” she steps into the hall and shuts the door.

A moment later, I hear a click outside the door. Grabbing the knob, I turn it and pull the door, only to find that she did indeed just lock me inside



They do not know what they did taking her from me. There is literally nothing I will not do to bring her back to this house. She is mine, and I will kill everyone who tries to keep her from me.

In my room, I change into dark jeans and a black Henley. After pulling on my boots, I begin to grab my arsenal from my closet – two knives, a pistol and four extra clips.

I do not know which of the two families has her or where they are keeping her, but I will be leaving a bloody trail in my wake as I try to find her.

“Where are you going,” Sal calls to me as I pass the door to his office.

“To get Avalie,” I briefly pause in his doorway.

“Wait,” he stands from his desk.

“Nothing you can say will change my mind. I am going to get her.”

“I’m not asking you to stay. Give me five minutes. I’m trying to reach Dante to check in on Venecia. Giancarlo and I will meet you at the car.”

Not certain if they are coming to help or to try to keep me in line, I head to the garage and pull out a blacked out Suburban. Tapping my fingers on the steering wheel, I anxiously wait for them to hurry up and join me.

Within minutes, they are both walking out of the front door and towards the SUV. As they climb in, I turn to both of them, “Are you sure you want to come for this?”

“Lorenzo,” Sal’s eyes held firm with mine, “I built this family. I am not afraid to get a little dirty. And I have been in your shoes, I know exactly what you are about to go and do.”

“We’re about to get a lot dirty,” I reply back to him and he nods in acknowledgement.

From the backseat, Carlo reaches his hand out to my shoulder, “You are my brother. This might not be the side of the family business that I normally work with, but there are no limits to what I will do for my blood. I am not afraid to get dirty.”

I do not have words to respond to him. I simply nod and put the SUV into drive. We may not know where the Yakuza are currently hiding out, but I sure as hell know where to find several members of the Armenians.

Leaving the estate, I drive towards the Brooklyn Bridge. Within the hour we will be in Coney Island, the heart of where the Armenians do their business.

First stop will be the Dolma Restaurant just off the boardwalk. The basement doubles as a underground twenty-four poker room. It is operated and frequented by members of the Gregorian family. They might not know anything, but eventually someone will lead us to a person that does.