Pulling the trigger again, nothing happens. The gun is empty. It drops from my hand as I continue running, hoping desperately to make it to the trees.

Two motorcycles pull in front me and two stay behind, quickly boxing me in, my sprint coming to a stop. I stand in the center of the four of them, completely out of breath – both from running and because I am absolutely scared out of my mind in this moment.

Nearly in sync, they all step from their bikes and close the distance between us. Immediately surrounded by the four of them, I scream even though I know there isn’t anyone left here to save me.

I push at them and try to fight out of their hold.

“This doesn’t have to difficult,” I hear one of them say through their helmet.

“Well it sure as shit isn’t going to be easy,” I spit back as I knee him in the groin. It doesn’t take him down, but I clearly hear him grunt.

Feeling smug and a little proud of myself, I swing at one of the other men. I turn back around just in time to realize that the guy I kneed is about to head-butt me with his helmet.


I try to fight it, but the pain is buzzing through my skull. Dizziness buckles my knees as my vision quickly fades to black.



Luca and I are a few minutes into our drive back to the estate, but I just cannot shake this feeling.

“Something isn’t right,” I say to Luca as pull my phone from my pocket, trying once again to call Sal.

This time he answers, “Everything good?”

“Job is done, but no one was home,” I respond keeping things vague. It’s a burner phone, but you can never be too safe.

“No one,” he questions.

“No. Completely vacant. Were they at the other house?”

“No. The whole family must be out of town. We’ll be back in forty, you?”

“Something feels off,“ I look at the street signs before I respond to his question, “About thirty minutes.”

“We’ll talk then.”

Before I can say anything further, Luca steps on the accelerator. He knows what I am thinking, even if it is crazy.

No one is stupid enough to try to hit our home.

Pulling up to the estate, the iron gates are open and there are no guards. Luca guns the engine and speeds towards the house.

It’s a fucking bloodbath. Several guards are laying on the stone steps leading into the house, and the front door is wide open.

Luca has barely come to a stop when I jump from the car. “Ava,” I yell as I run through the foyer, stepping over several more bodies. I run to her room first, swinging open the door and finding it completely empty, the bed having been slept in. Turning to my room, the door is open and things have been tossed around.

“Avalie,” I call out again as I enter the room. After checking the room and bath, I head to the closet and am surprised to find a body on the floor. He’s a smaller man wearing a motorcycle helmet.

Fucking Yakuza. Good for you piccola pesca!

Stepping closer to the body, I notice the small bloody footprints heading out of the room. Turning, I quickly follow them back to the stairs and to the library. The door heading out to the garden is wide open.

Smart, Ava.

Heading into the garden, I am filled with fucking rage when I see the tire tracks running from the garden and through the yard.