He turns around, but his attention is solely focused on me as he eyes me up and down.

“Did you bring me a welcome home present,” he reaches towards me as Renzo pulls my back flush against him.

“Sorry Carlo,” he squeezes my shoulders and places a kiss on my neck, “this one is mine.”

“Too badbella,” he takes my hand in his and brings it to his mouth before placing a gentle kiss above my knuckles, “You are way too beautiful for this asshole.”

“I’m not his,” even I don’t really believe the words coming from my mouth.

“That’s enough, playboy,” Renzo jokingly shoves him away from me, “Show me this place.”

“I know it doesn’t look like much now,” Carlo walks towards the dilapidated bar, but I think this place could be amazing with a little renovation.”

“This is the mafia shit,” the disappointment obvious in my tone.

Carlo laughs, “Apparently you are aware what my family does for a living.”

“Carlo is looking for an investor,” Renzo turns to me, “but if it’s ‘mafia shit’ you are really looking for I have another place we can go after this.”

The smile on my face is bigger than it should be. But the thrill of finding out what Renzo actually does, besides abducting women against their will and fucking them senseless, is intriguing as hell.

“I see you like the idea of a little danger,” he whispers into my ear before following Carlo further into the bar.

I flop on a barstool while I wait for them to wander around the place. Various conversations about remodels, aesthetics and business ideas carry on for hours. By the time Renzo comes back to my barstool, the boredom must be readable on my face.

“You look bored,” Renzo says sliding himself between my legs, “I have a fix for that.”

Pushing him back from me, I stand up from the stool.

“Mafia shit,” I whine, “Please I am so bored. I thought leaving the house today would be exciting.”

“Trust me,” the sultry words flow from his tongue, “Me fucking you on the bar would definitely be exciting.”

Playfully, I shove him away from me.

“Are you sure,” he questions me, “the work I do is, well, messy.”

“Show me,” I taunt him.

Pulling his phone from his pocket, he makes a call.

“Luca is on the other side of town,” he tells me, “he is going to wait for us.

Renzo drags me from the bar to the car, obviously excited about where we are headed. He quickly makes his way through city traffic, taking us across the Brooklyn bridge into an area of the city that I have never been to before.

We drive through some shady streets until we come to a warehouse that looks as though it has been unoccupied for at least a few years. It is rusted and several of the windows are broken. If it weren’t for the light shining through one of the windows upstairs, I would question why Renzo brought us here.

Renzo opens my door, helps me from the car, and shuts the door. Using his body, he presses me against the car as his fingers curl around my throat.

Fuck, I love this feeling. Somewhere this went from being scary to possessive.

His body firmly pressing against mine, he gently squeezes his fingers while simultaneously taking the breath from my mouth. His tongue devours my mouth before leaving me needy and wanting as he pulls away from me.

“There is no coming back from this,piccola pesca,” he steps back from me, “You are about to see all of who I am.”

As much as I deny it to myself, I know that my heart is quickly falling for this man. While it is absolutely terrifying, I want – no need – to know exactly who Renzo is. I need to know what he is capable of.

“Show me…,” my voice firm in my request.