My knuckles gently rap on the door, and I hear Ava immediately on the other side as though she made it no further than entering the room.

“I’m coming inpiccola pesca.”

Turning the knob, I open the door to find her standing just past the door, still naked.

“What do you want,” she snaps back at me with a look on her face I cannot quite distinguish, “I’m not letting you fuck me again.”

“You will fuck me again…and soon,” my words confident as I step closer to her, “but that is not what I came over here for.”

Tossing the aloe onto the bed, I take another step and slide my fingers along her jaw before kneeling before her. Placing one hand on her outer hip, I use the other to slide the washcloth up her thighs, cleaning myself from her.

“While I do enjoy watching my cum run down your thighs, when this happens again I will ensure I wear a condom. We wouldn’t want you getting pregnant.”

“I can’t get pregnant. I have a Nexplanon,” the words vomit from her mouth, as she physically tries to stop them. In response a small smile spreads on my face.

She continues, “It doesn’t matter, because that is never happening again.”

“On the bed,” my words soft as I finish cleaning her thighs, “Get on your stomach. Let me tend to my marks.”

Dropping her clothes to the floor, as much as she denies whatever this is, she follows my commands and walks towards the bed. I pull back the blanket, making ample room for her to lay on the sheets. Grabbing the aloe, I squeeze some into my hand. I rub my hands together for a moment to warm the aloe before gently placing my palms on her upper thigh. She winces at my touch, the fresh marks sore.

“This will help.”

Leaning down, I gently kiss the exposed skin between my palms before smoothing my hands over her thigh, delicately covering my marks with the soothing lotion. I repeat the process until I have gently rubbed lotion over all of the marks left behind from my belt. By the time I finish her body is lax against the bed, exhausted as the adrenaline leaves her body.

After wiping my hands on the washcloth, I pull the blanket over her curves and up to her shoulders. Her eyelids are heavy as I push her hair from her face and tuck it behind her ear.

“What are you doing,” her words groggy as she is nearly drifting off to sleep.

Leaning down I place a gentle kiss on her temple and whisper, “I take care of what’s mine.”

“I’m not yours,” she mumbles back as her eyes close.

“You keep telling yourself thatpiccola pesca,” I whisper before grabbing my things and quietly leaving her room.

Crossing the hall back to my room, I see V down the hall.

“I was coming to check on Ava,” her eyes pass over my nearly naked body, “but I’m thinking she might be feeling better.”

Obviously pleased with herself, she winks as a broad smile spreads across her face.

“Did you really buy her,” she questions.

“Is this really a conversation we are going to have while I’m in my underwear in the hallway?”

“That’s not a no,” she responds, “maybe not now, but this is definitely a conversation we are having.”

There is no use arguing with Princess V, she always gets her way. I give her a nod before entering my room and shutting the door. Grabbing my clothes from the floor, I place them in the hamper with the washcloth before putting the aloe back in the cabinet and hanging my belt in the closet.

I debate showering, but while slightly masked by the smell of aloe on my hands, I can still smell Ava on my skin. Relishing in the scent, I climb into my bed and slide between the sheets – sheets I hope to make smell like her soon.

Closing my eyes, her scent and thoughts of claiming her body again flood my mind. Sleep is definitely not happening any time soon.

Climbing back out of bed, I grab a pair of sweatpants from my closet before heading downstairs. Passing my father’s office, I hear his voice, “What are you doing Lorenzo?”

“Just getting a drink,” I respond stopping in the doorway.

“Your meetings?”