“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“This is Avalie Gregorian.”

I want to correct her and tell her that my last name is Taylor, but based on the tension in this room, I feel as though it is in my best interest just to keep quiet right now.

“She is Karine’s daughter,” Karyan continues, “and she is the fucking future of this family.”

“What makes you think this bitch is so important,” Yuri quips back.

“She’s Tanaka’s daughter. He wants her, and he will do whatever the fuck I say to make that happen.”

“That is ridiculous. Your sister would never…”

“Oh daddy,” her voice changes as she reaches into her purse, “Why do you think she left? And how old do you think this one is? I am going to need you to get on board with this plan of action very quickly.”

“Karyan, this is crazy. Tanaka will never do what you say to get his bastard child back.”

Without hesitation, she pulls the gun from her purse and fires three times at Yuri’s chest. Both of my hands quickly cover my mouth in an attempt to catch the gasp that flies from it. I can feel tears welling in the corners of my eyes and my body is beginning to tremble as she places the gun back into her purse.

Turning to the men sitting in front of her, some in obvious shock, she addresses them, “Boys. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, I am in charge now. This is my family. You can follow me or prepare to spend the rest of eternity rotting on the pews in which you sit.”

As she finishes speaking the large men who escorted us into the church, pull their guns and point them towards the crowd.

“What will it be boys?”



Walking from the poker room back to the car, the three of us determine that our best course of action is to head to Carlo’s office. From there we can learn everything we need to know about Karyan’s penthouse.

I will be getting Avalie back, and soon.

Carlo calls a few of his guys and they start while we drive. They are efficient as hell, because by the time we arrive about an hour later, they have printed out blueprints of the building and hacked into the security system.

Circling the table, I am impressed with their work. They have already begun cross referencing the security footage with the blueprints. There is a great deal of footage and numerous floors to map out, but several hours later we have finished. By the time we are done we know how many men are covering this building and where they are positioned.

Feeling my phone buzz, I pull it from my pocket. It’s a text from Dmitryi,Yuri is dead. Karyan has assumed control.

Instead of texting him back, I give him a call, “When did this happen?”

“Just now,” he responds, “Maybe thirty minutes ago. Karyan took him out.”

“Her own father?”

The phone is silent for a moment before Dmitriy finally replies, “Yes. She took him out to take control.”

“What the fuck…,” I reply before ending our call.

While things are run differently between all of the families, there is one thing that I know to hold true for all of them – family above everything. You never go against your blood. You never betray your family.

The fact that she not only betrayed her blood, but managed to assume control without the rest of the family coming for her speaks volumes about how important Avalie is to all of the families.

I am dropping my phone onto the table when Sal glances over at me, “What’s going on Lorenzo?”

“That was Dmitriy,” I pause, taking a moment to still shake my head in disbelief, “Karyan killed Yuri, to take control of the family.”

Even Sal doesn’t have words to respond to my news, he simply stares back at me in disbelief. It is an unspoken rule that you never betray your family, and the punishment for betrayal is death. Yet, somehow committed the ultimate family sin and is also still alive.