They’re trained from birth to hate The Blue Bloods—stemming from the death of Betty Beckett at the hands of Lionel Sunder. Their intentions are to break the blood ties within The Society at whatever costs, even if it means impregnating a member without consent.
Twisting the combination, I push open the door to the room I’ve torn apart. I’m not even sure this fucker uses it anymore because he’s knows it’s been found. How could he not? Papers are now scattered everywhere. The pictures on the wall have been torn down, a few of which have been ripped in half.
I just need some clue that tells me he’s not working alone. Anything. I’m just not sure I’ll find it here. For all we know, he has a new space he’s been occupying while plotting our destruction. Right now, we have an advantage because he doesn't know we’ve found out who he really is.
An old book lies to my left and I kick it over to the door while holding it open. Letting it shut, it closes until the book stops it. Not long ago, Jagger and Scar were locked down here, and it’s a possibility I always keep in the forefront of my mind when I enter. However, they escaped up a pull-down ladder that led to a cabin above—Kol Sunder’s cabin. I know this because my dad told me when I was just a kid. He filled me in on all the secrets of the Becketts and Sunders. Some of which I wish I could forget.
Scar’s dad bought the cabin and the surrounding property, just a couple months shy of graduating from BCA. He never graduated from The Academy and finished his senior year out at Evergreen High, when her mom found out she was pregnant. It was only a couple months later my mom found out she was pregnant with me. A Christmas Eve hookup with my father resulted in her being roped to him for life. Well, her lifetime at least. It pains me every day that her time was cut short before she could ever experience true happiness, or even true love. Her pregnancy forced her into marriage with my father because my grandfather wouldn’t have it any other way. For as long as I can remember, I could hear her cry herself to sleep in her separate bedroom. My parents didn’t even share a bedroom. What kind of marriage is that?
Doesn’t matter. It’s not my life and it will never be my life. I’ll never get married. Never contribute successors to The Blue Bloods. No matter how much pressure is put on me, it will never happen.
Kicking around a few empty boxes, I keep my eyes on the ground, in search of footprints or really anything that could have been left behind that I’ve missed.
With my phone’s flashlight turned on, I scour the room, every inch of it, unsure how much time has passed. When defeat triumphs, I drop my head back with a heavy sigh.
Of course!
Why the fuck didn’t I think of this sooner?
I’m staring up at the carved-out impression in the ceiling, when I remember Jagger saying that Scar found a pendant belonging to Jude. That has to mean he was up there at some point. That’s all the information they found that connects him to the cabin, but maybe they missed something.
With the added security guards in place that my father ordered, I have to be careful trekking too far off Academy grounds. The last thing I need is for my meddling to get back to him. It’ll result in a lecture about how I need to focus on The Academy and quit digging for information into the Becketts. Sometimes I wonder if it’s because he, too, has secrets that could be found. I’m sure I would have found them by now if he had any connection at all to this family, but I have no doubt Sebastian Saint has skeletons hiding somewhere.
Grabbing a stepladder, I drag it beneath the opening and pull down the trapdoor that was already inched open. Once I've got the rope in my hand, I jump down and pull the ladder.
The sound of the door scraping against the concrete ground has my eyes shooting over my shoulder, immediately landing on Crew.
“Again? Really?” he drawls. “This shit is becoming obsessive, man. You need to give it a break.”
Ignoring his request, I step onto the ladder, both hands gripping the sides. This isn't the first time Crew’s found me down here, and until all answers are revealed, it won’t be the last.
“Ever since you returned from your visit home, you’ve been at it. Three days in a row, Neo. Three fucking days of tearing this place apart, and you’re not a single step closer to getting the answers you’re searching for.”
I don’t even look at him as I speak, just stare at the splintered ladder board in front of me. “That was before we knew who he was. Now we know and I’m certain someone is helping him.”
“And you think you’re going to find proof of it up there?”
“There are so many fucking pieces, Crew.” My voice rises to a near shout. “So many fucking pieces that are scattered all over the place and we just need…” I lower my voice, “We just need to put them all together.”
He comes closer and I know he’s going to do everything in his power to talk me down, as if I’m standing on the ledge of a cliff. Maybe I am. Sure as fuck feels like it sometimes.
“The answers lie within Jude Beckett, and we’re gonna get them. Just come down, come back to the party, and have a little fun for once.”
“Fun?” I shout, all the while laughing menacingly. “You expect me to have fun?” I turn my head, looking at him where he stands with a flashlight only a couple feet away. “This fucking psycho pushed my sister off a mountain. He’s preyed upon Sc, err…all of us for months. Hell, maybe even years. He’s been watching and waiting, and for all I know, he’s the one who killed…” I don’t let myself finish the sentence. I won’t allow my mind to go there again. Not right now. Not when I’m here and the answers are under my fingertips.
“Your mom was hit. Likely by a drunk driver, Neo. You can’t speculate—”
“You don’t know that!” I shout even louder this time. “You don’t fucking know. No one knows.”
He throws his hands up, then lets them drop down immediately, smacking the sides of his legs. “Fine. Go. But I’m coming with you.”
I shake my head, not understanding why he’d come with me, when all he’s doing is telling me what a mistake this all is. “Why?”
“Because if you need these answers for your own peace of mind, then I’m gonna help you get them.”
Right. Of course.“Pacts and oaths?”
He shakes his head. “No, man. Friends. Best fucking friends.”