Page 94 of Dark Surrender

Not a real plane. This was just a digital simulation. They were still getting emergency crews to the location where it had gone down in the Indiana Dunes area in Indiana.

Harper sat on the edge of the sofa, chewing her nails, while Daniel was making calls to government officials he had contacts with to see what he could find out.

“I don’t even know her parents’ phone number,” Harper mumbled. Then she turned to him. “I don’t want to put something on social media and freak people out.”

Logan nodded.

Fuck this. He was going insane.

Logan was a man of action, not someone who sat around, hoping and wishing. But there was nothing they could do. The media weren’t disclosing the exact location, nor was going there a good idea. He had to let the officials do their jobs.

Daniel walked back into the room, and both Logan and Harper turned to him in question.

He shook his head.

“No update. Either no one is willing to share, or no one is...Shit.” Daniel cursed and went to Harper as she let out a guttural cry. “Sorry, babe.”


That’s what he wouldn’t fucking say. They could be dead.

Logan ran his hands through his hair.

Emma. Jesus.

The woman he had held in his arms this morning, making plans to visit her in Chicago and continue whatever this was between them.

Is or was?

Don’t be dead, sweetheart. Please.

“God, this is so fucked up. How could this happen?” Harper lifted her head and looked at him with sad eyes.

Please, don’t say it.

“It’s not your fault, Logan. No one could have foreseen this.” A tear slid down her face.

“Fuck!” he cursed again, leaping up.

Itwashis damn fault.

If he’d just shut his damn mouth and not said anything to Daniel, Emma would still be alive.

“Both of you need to stop assuming the worst. Until we have confirmation that she and the other passengers...Let’s just wait,” Daniel said.

Harper dropped her head against her husband’s chest, and he rubbed her back.

“Have a drink, Logan.” Daniel nodded at the cabinet which housed the hard liquor.

Logan shook his head. “No, I—”

“Breaking news. We have reports that officials have arrived at the scene of the crash. There are reports of passengers moving about the site. We will have more as information arrives.”

“Oh my God!” Harper jumped away from Daniel to turn the TV up.

Logan joined her on the sofa, glued to the screen as it repeated the same thing over and over.

“I should try to find her parents’ details.” Harper picked up her phone.