Page 86 of Dark Surrender

Emma was proud of what she did, and if no one else could acknowledge it, then fuck them all.

One day, she would meet a man who understood what it meant to be creative and how incredible it was that she’d been able to earn a living from it.

Many couldn’t.

She had.

That was worth celebrating.

It was obvious now that all they’d shared was great sex.

Perhaps this was a good thing. If they had continued seeing each other, Emma would have grown closer to him. Perhaps even fallen in love.

This way, she knew what Logan thought of her. Not just her body, butwhoshe was.

For a moment, Emma had thought there might be the potential for more between them. It had surprised her, but as the morning had progressed and after her chat with Harper, she’d wondered if perhaps sheshouldbe open to more.


What a fool.

Emma had thought she was getting to know the real Logan Dufort. Turned out, she didn’t know him at all.

And now she never would.


An hour later, Loganlaughed and slapped Daniel on the shoulder. They stepped outside into the yard to join everyone for brunch.

“You’re a tough negotiator, Daniel Dufort. I’m proud of you.”

Logan shot him a grin.

“You might be my older cousin and still be the—what did you call yourself? President of the treehouse?” Daniel laughed. “But these days, we are on an even playing field.”

They were, although because of the business Jonathan Dufort had built, his cousins had a much richer field, their worth far greater than his.