Page 80 of The Darkest King

Cade’s eyes flare, but he holds mine for several moments, then finally nods. George releases him, and Cade says, “Let’s go.”

His two goonies lower their guns, and Connor’s men take a step back. It’s like a well-orchestrated dance, each man taking a step back and to the side, until Cade and his guys finally turn and leave the bar.

Isabelle lets out an audible breath and clasps her hands to her chest. “Holy smokes, I cannot believe that just happened.”

George is crowding me, but I glance at Sienna, who’s shaking her head. “You okay?”

“So that’s your life, huh?” she says.

“No. It’s not. That’s my brother being upset about the news. That’s all,” I reply.

It’s way more than that.

Cade retreating confirms something to me. Joe, my father, didn’t send him. I’m starting to wonder exactly why my brother is concerning himself with a marriage contract involving me.

Whatever it is, he needs to back the truck up. I’m marrying Connor.

Honestly, I don’t know if there is anyone in my family I can trust since my mother died. I want to trust my father, but we want different things for our lives. My uncle Jimmy will take his side. I hope my aunts will act as advocates now my mother has passed, but if I’m being honest with myself, I’m on my own.

Even Connor will only protect me for the timeframe of our agreement.

Six months. That’s all I have.

“Yeah, well, my brother would probably just send me a shitty text, not pull a gun, you know,” Sienna replies.

“You don’t have a brother.” I try not to grin, but when she stares at the huge security guys around me and her eyes return to me allJesus, they are hot,we both laugh.

Because they are.

“I’m so sorry, you guys,” I say, my smile fading. “I promise this is not what life with me is going to be like.”

I had put them at risk.

“Ms. Mancini. Care to tell us what just happened?” a guy in a bad suit asks.


The media.

Connor is going to kick my ass.

I groan.

“No comment,” I mutter as George nods at me that it’s time to leave. Grabbing my purse, I give my friends a smile and slide off the stool. “I’m so sorry. Stay, enjoy the champagne, and I’ll see you tomorrow, Sen.”

“Text me when you get home so I know you’re safe,” she says, darting the three huge security guys behind me a look. Then blushes. “Which I’m sure you will be.”

As they whisk me out of the bar, past the media, and into a waiting car outside, my phone rings.

“Mia Mancini,” I answer.

I know who it is. I can see the name on my screen.

Connor’s dark voice says, “Your ass better be in the car and on the way home.”

I let out a sigh.

MACK HOLDS THE elevatordoor open as I step out. Connor is standing with his back to me, his arms crossed. He turns and, ignoring me, stares at Mack over my shoulder. They do some silent exchange of information, then Connor nods, and I hear the elevator door slide closed behind me.