Page 149 of The Darkest King

First, we need to get this enormous Italian wedding over with.

Five long days.

Deliveries have been arriving for weeks, with one thing or another. A second helicopter will follow us shortly with more Barrett security. Some arrived by car ten minutes ago.

I’m not taking any risks.

I glance outside. There’s a light drizzle, and I see two men running across the lawn with their umbrellas up. Joe is standing under the awning, smoking a cigar.

One day, you will learn that your daughter saved your life.

I’m still dedicated to finding Carlos, or whoever destroyed my family. When we’re married and arrive back home, I will open my father’s boxes and solve the mystery of the key and what it unlocks.

It’s nearly time.

Right now, I am clear about what’s important to me. Mia. Our marriage and the family we create together.

My revenge will resume in five days.

What can go wrong in the meantime?

THE TWO MEN drop theumbrellas as they get closer to the chopper blades, and one opens the door.

Shit. Nathan.

I don’t have the details yet, but he’s been able to gain back the trust of the senior Mancini and, it appears, to get even closer to the guy.

So apparently, he’s attending my wedding after all.

He’s looking gangster as fuck, with all his tatts on show and gun holster over his black shirt. That same smirk on his dial.

The blades slow to a stop, and we can all finally hear and stop shouting.

“Ladies,” Nathan says with a grin, completely ignoring me, then reaches out a hand to Sienna.

She blushes and gives him her hand, shooting Mia a look which speaks to all kinds of trouble.

Hell no.

Mia’s friend is off limits, Nate.

Sienna starts to climb out, slips and lets out a squeal as the umbrella goes flying.

“Sen!” Mia cries.

Nathan simply scoops her up. “I’ve got you, little lady.”

“Oh my God.” Sienna gasps like some eighteenth-century madam as I roll my eyes.

“I think it’s better if I just carry you,” Nathan says, winking at her.

“Oh, umm,” Sienna starts, but it’s too late. Nathan is already walking across the lawn with her in his arms.

“What is your name, my fair maidan?” I hear Nate ask.

For the love of God.

“Sienna,” she says, with another little laugh and a glance back at us.