Page 137 of The Darkest King





“Ah, fuck,” I cry. Consciousnesshits me like a sledgehammer.

A body beside me stiffens.

Where am I? Memories, foggy memories, come racing back, and I let out a cry.

“Mia, it’s okay. You’re safe,” Connor says.


I blink my eyes open, and he’s leaning on an elbow, that gorgeous muscular chest and his sexy tattoo, in all its glory, on display.

“My brother...,” I try to say, but my voice is a croak.

“I know. It’s okay. We got you out,” he tells me, and I’m flooded with relief.

My mouth is clammy, and as I start coughing, Connor hands me a glass of water. Pink water.

“Electrolytes. Drink.”

I accept it, and he helps me sit up. I take a sip, and it’s heaven. And sweet. With another sip, more memories return.


Salvo Vitale.

“Wedding. God, Connor,” I say, being sparse with my words until my throat starts working properly.

But he just nudges at my glass, encouraging me to drink more. There’s a tension in his eyes I’ve never seen before.

“You didn’t. We stopped it,” he replies, and as I take another drink, I see the way he’s clenching his jaw.

“You saved me. Papa, he...OMG, Cade. He was going to kill him,” I gasp out.