I open my vault and pull out a handful of weapons, checking them with a click or two, then slide them into my pockets and into the back of my jeans.
I add a black Yankee’s cap at the last minute, then grab my phone and head downstairs.
“Got the address. Who’s driving?” Mack asks, as George waves farewell for the night and walks off down the sidewalk. Likely heading to the subway to go home.
Or a bar, after the night he’s had.
“You.” I move to the passenger door. “Whatever happens in the next few hours, I want you to make sure Nathan is protected,” I tell him. “Forget me. I have a Plan B. I will contact you when it’s safe. Nathan is your priority.”
He pulls away from the curb with afuck this.
I pull my phone out of my pocket as we drive through the NYC streets and text Nathan. He needs to know what’s happening, and I’m giving him the same instructions but to protect Mia.
Despite whatever decision she has made in the past few hours, sheisstill innocent.
My phone beeps as I’m unlocking it.
CODE RED.Nathan texts before I can even start typing.
Mack’s phone goes off beside me.
None of us have used that code before.
I dial.
“He has her,” Nathan says at once. “I’m on my way there now. They have a priest.”
What the fuck?
He’s talking about Cade and taking an enormous risk by telling me. If he gets caught breaking omertà, the mob’s sacred code of silence, he’ll be dead the next second.
Adrenaline bursts through my body, and I start to piece everything together, my heart pounding in my chest.
“No more contact,” Nathan says before I can speak.
“Stop. Nathan!” I yell, and when there is only silence, I keep talking, hoping like hell he’s still on the phone. “She knows. She saw my office.”
“Fuck,” I hear him curse, then he hangs up.
Mack slows for the red light, and we share a dark look.
“Get to Sienna’s, fast.” We need to find her, and Sienna is the only one who may know where they went and where she might be.
I stare out in the night as we drive, my jaw tense and trigger finger itching. It feels like my entire life has brought me to this point. To this woman. I’m getting Mia back and saving her from Salvo Vitale.
Nobody is marrying her or touching her but me.
The rest, we will sort out.