My arms wobble as Ipress the bar up to the ceiling. I added an extra forty pounds of weight this morning. The twenty minutes I ran on the treadmill did nothing to appease the tension in my body.
Mia is in the shower, and all I want to do is go in there and spend hours pleasuring both of us, but I need to distance myself from her.
Not physically.
My feelings for her are both a distraction and a danger. I worry about her when she’s not with me, despite trusting the men protecting her. Then I worry about her and her future when she is with me.
Worse, I fucking hate she’s going to despise me when this all comes to an end. Because it will, and she will.
Mia is a surprise.
A gorgeous, sexy, delicious, and addictive fucking surprise.
I want to keep herandget rid of her.
Last night, we attended an event. Cameras were flashing as we stepped out of the limo. Mia’s long red dress showed off her slim, toned, and tanned legs. Her beautiful white smile a favorite of the American public, so my media team told me.
I prefer it wrapped around my cock, but whatever.
All night, she was the perfect date. Aside from the fact every asshole in the room tried to flirt with her, Mia stayed on my arm, said the right things, and then on the way home in the limo, I lifted her dress, pushed her thighs apart, and made her scream with my tongue.
She was under instruction to take off her panties before we left the venue and was wet as fuck by the time the car door closed.
Then she asked if we could go for a walk before going home.
Mack instructed Benson to stop at Central Park, and we climbed out, security trailing behind us discretely.
“I’ve got too much energy. I’ll never sleep,” Mia said. “One too many glasses of champagne, obviously.”
Then she took off her shoes and skipped along the path, turning and dancing backward, telling me about the latest ideas she had for her business. The one I am helping her with because, apparently, I can’t help myself with this woman.
“I’m useless with names, so I might get Sienna to help me, but I was thinking we could start building a website and social media channels now. I could create vision boards of weddings so people could see what to expect. Perhaps we could have some themes we already offer. Prepackaged stuff. They could be cheaper, you know. And then if they want something more custom, we will quote.”
It took everything in me not to smile. I liked what she was saying, and it was clear Mia has quite the business mind. Something else that makes her sexy to me.
Everything is sexy.
Even when she brushes her damn teeth.
Mia’s spirit, her unbreakable positive attitude and energy, feel like the light to my darkness. She balances me.
That night, though, with her hair twisted up, showing off her silky neck and the fresh blush from her orgasm, Mia was absolutely beautiful.
While I walked along that path, still tasting her on my mouth, I imagined the moment Mia discovers what my true objective with her is. I saw in my mind the hurt in her eyes.
It was the first time anything had even slightly given me pause. It infuriated me.
I deserve to avenge my family.
Mia doesn’t deserve this.
“How about Lux-The-Knot?” she asked, while I fought my inner demons. She danced back to me, those big ice-blue eyes glittering in the moonlight. “Is it silly? You know, Lux forluxury. And obviously, The Knot, like tie the knot.”
I smiled despite myself.
“I’m not your target market. Ask your girlfriends,” I replied and tucked her arm in mine. I saw her excitement fade when I glanced down, so I added. “But your ideas are good.”