Istand inches behinda man I never thought I would be stepping into battle with.
Joe Mancini.
But my war strategy changed the moment I knew Mia was in danger. Funny how that happens.
My eyes find her lying on the floor, and I fight every damn instinct in my body telling me to push past the mafia leader and go to her. But there are about fifteen guns pointed in the air in all directions, and no one is moving anywhere.
One of them is Nathan, who is pointing a Glock at me.
A scenario we’ve always considered.
I stare at him, and he doesn’t even blink. He’s calculating the situation and working out why I didn’t tell him we were coming.
Behind him and the others, Joe Mancini’s soldiers move in, after taking out the men outside.
They’re surrounded.
“Lower your weapons,” Joe says to Cade’s men. Who are actually Joe’s soldiers. “Remember who you work for. My son is not in charge here, nor will he be.” He waits for a beat, then growls in a menacing tone. “Drop your fucking weapons or lose your life.”
Nathan obeys.
Thank fucking God.
I let out a slow breath and almost feel Mack do the same beside me.
“Fucking disloyal motherfuckers,” Cade starts shouting, and all hell breaks loose.
My eyes remain on Mia as Gabrielle—a man we have been watching for many years, Joe’s second-in-command—begins screaming at them, waving his guns.
“I knew I shouldn’t have trusted you,” Vitale shouts, trying to make a run for it.
Jimmy “Fingers”, Joe’s head enforcer, fire’s his weapon, and Salvo goes down. Bodies start dropping as bullets fly. I push past Joe and throw my body over Mia’s.