Lucinda had made the arrangements for her to see Killian one final time. She wasn’t sure if he had taken the potionthat had been made for him. Lucinda had found the dark spell that would create the potion to separate them as mates. Leah had the same vial. All she had to do was take it and she would no longer feel this pain. She wiped at the tears.
The gardens around her flourished. The flowers that had once filled her with happiness now only caused her pain. For a short time, she had thought Killian would accept her, that he could love her, or learn to love her, if he didn’t already. That was a lie.
He mated her to create a giant sacrifice. Rose could have done what Killian wanted. She could have removed their mating bond. Lucinda had hoped Killian would come to his senses and realize being mated to her would be terrible. When Lucinda realized Killian wasn’t going to turn back, she had no choice but to turn to the dark magic to create the potion. If they took it, Lucinda was one step closer to succumbing to dark magic. She would have to be monitored and her high position within the coven would be revoked. Leah couldn’t do that to her friend.
Rose always planned to remove the mating bond, but she hadhoped to take Leah, to turn her dark, and then kill her, extracting her powers and making her unstoppable. Once again, Leah had found a way. Not once had she been tempted to turn to dark magic.
All she had tried to do was bring life back to the dead earth. It had vaped her energy, which is why Rose had been able to use those vines against her. She would never look at roses the same way again.
The coven hadn’t used dark magic against Rose. They had stripped Rose of the souls she had claimed over the years, freeing them, and then because of the toll Rose had placed on the earth, as her old coven, they had simply replaced what she had taken by giving her back. It was a shame Rose hadn’t died in pain.
She swiped at the tears, hating that she cried.
“Don’t cry,” Killian said, coming toward her. He sank to his knees before her, putting his hand on hers. “I’m so pleased you’re okay.”
She pulled her hands away and pushed him off her knees.
“Leah, please.”
She shook her head. “I’m not interested in hearing anything you have to say. Did you take the potion?” She hated that she still cried.
“Please, listen to me.”
“No. I don’t have to listen to you. I told you in detail what prophecies could do. The witch that would cause your pack’s greatest undoing, had nothing to do with me. That super-secret mission, trying to remove me as your mate, would be your greatest undoing.” She got to her feet. “I know you don’t want to be mated to me, and that’s fine. I’m going to ask you not to take that potion and to give me time to find the right way for us to sever all ties that bind us together.”
“Leah, please listen to me.”
“If you take that potion, Lucinda pays the price and she doesn’t deserve that. You want to be free, well, consider yourself free. I will not darken your doorstep. I will try and find a way for you to find a different mate. One that doesn’t have these horrible witchy powers.”
“I thought I was doing what needed to be done for my pack!”
“You didn’t listen.” Leah shoved her hands into his chest. Her strength was no match for Killian’s. He didn’t move. Not a single inch. “Do you even know what you could have done? What she could have done to your pack?”
Killian cupped her face, but Leah didn’t want his touch. She stepped away from him.
“Leah, I know right now you’re angry with me, and I know I fucked up.”
“Oh, you only know that you’ve done that.” She was still crying. She didn’t want to cry, but the tears kept falling.
“I love you,” Killian said.
Leah shot a bolt of magic out of her hands and Killian fell back several feet away from her. This was the first time she had ever used her magic in anger. She hated how it made her feel.
“Don’t lie to me, Killian. I don’t need to hear it.”
“I’m not lying.”
“I think you should go,” Lucinda said, appearing in the garden.
“I’m not leaving.”
“Killian, right now, you are not welcome here, and I think it is best that you go.”
Leah rubbed at her hands, hating that she used her magic against him. She felt sick to her stomach. Even fighting Rose, she was never tempted to use dark magic. Not that she was tempted to use dark magic, but she had wanted to get Killian away from her.
Saying those precious words was cruel. She didn’t want to hearthem. Actually, she did, she wanted to hear them so badly, but coming from him right now hurt big time.
“I’ll be back tomorrow,” Killian said.