I spent several hours sifting through everything, and once I had a better feel for where everything was, I decided to head back to the main house. Before I did, I walked over and grabbed Mia’s teddy bear from the trash, then returned it to the cabinet where Stitch had kept it. I closed the cabinet door, then went to check in with the brothers. As expected, Bones and Big were in the workroom monitoring the Demarco security footage, and Cotton was in his office with Savage, discussing the future of the club.
The rest of the brothers were either getting in some target practice or had gone to the construction site to go over plans with Guardrail. I still had a few hours to kill, so I joined Clutch and Torch out back, and we spent some time checking over all our weaponry for the third time in the past couple of days. It was a hassle, but I didn’t want to take any chances.
Once we were confident that everything was in order, we all decided to call it a day, and I headed home. On the way, I stopped by the store and picked up everything I’d need for dinner. When I got to the house, I put everything away and started picking up the place. Thankfully, it wasn’t as bad as I thought.
I just needed to wash a few dishes and throw some clothes in the laundry, so I jumped right in and got to it. When I was done, I took a quick look around and figured it would do. The place was far from perfect, but things were slowly coming together. I’d started with the front porch. I’d gotten a couple of rocking chairs and put out a few plants—most of which hadn’t survived.
But I’d tried.
I’d put a fresh coat of paint on the house, inside and out, and I’d brought in all new furniture. It didn’t look half-bad. I certainly wasn’t embarrassed by it. If anything, I was pretty proud of how it had all turned out. I hadn’t gotten around to the barn, but I’d eventually get to it and when I did, I hoped to bring in some animals. Maybe a cow and a couple of goats. Only time would tell.
It was almost six, so I gathered the trash and headed out the back door.
Dread washed over me the second I spotted Rosa sitting in a lawn chair smoking a cigarette. I didn’t have the time nor the desire to talk to her, so I gave her a quick nod hello before quickly dropping the bag into the can. I headed back inside and started gathering what I would need to cook dinner. I’d just pulled out the steaks when there was a tap at my back door.
It had to be Rosa.
It was at that moment that I finally realized I had a problem on my hands. I jerked the door open and growled, “It’s not a good time, Rosa.”
“It’s never a good time with you anymore.” Before I could stop her, she stormed past me and into the kitchen. She looked around, soaking things in. I’d always gone to her place, fucked her, and hurried home, so it was the first time she’d actually been in the house. And it would be the last. She propped her hand on her hip with a huff, then sassed, “I told you early on that I don’t play games.”
“Yeah, and neither do I.”
“Then, what’s your deal?”
“Got no deal, Rosa.” I started seasoning the steaks as I told her, “I never made you any promises.”
“So, you’re saying I meant nothing to you.”
“Wouldn’t say you meant nothing. But I wouldn’t say you meant something either.” I turned to face her and was about to lay it out for her when there was a knock at my front door. “Goddamn it.”
“Who’s that?”
“None of your fucking business.” I motioned my hand towards the door as I growled, “Look I’m done with this cat-and-mouse bullshit. It’s time for you to go.”
“Why?” she pushed. “Who is that?”
“Rosa, now!”
“Fine, but this conversation isn’t over.”
I waited until she was out the back door and halfway across the backyard before I went to see about Mia. She looked a bit suspicious as she smiled and said, “I was beginning to think you weren’t going to answer.”
“Sorry about that... I was getting the steaks ready.”
“Oh, okay.”
She stepped inside, and I was about to close the door behind her when I spotted Rosa standing at the driveway. She was staring at the house, clearly trying to get a glimpse of Mia, and it enraged me. I wanted nothing more than to set her straight, but it would have to wait until another day. I gave her a warning look as I slammed the door and followed Mia into the living room.
Noting my change in demeanor, Mia’s brows furrowed. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, I’ve just got something I’ve gotta take care of.”
“Is it something I could help you with, or should I come back later?”
“No, nothing like that. It can wait.” I motioned her to the kitchen as I asked, “You want a beer or tea or something?”
“Tea would be great.”