“Maybe not, but if it makes you feel better, I’ll promise to behave myself.” I gave him a playful wink as I teased, “Unless you don’t want me to.”
“No, behaving would be good.”
“Okay, I can do that.”
I put my key in the lock and gave it a quick turn. I wasn’t surprised when it didn’t budge. I’d reported it to maintenance, but as usual, they hadn’t come to see about it. I started to do all my little tricks to open it when Wrath grumbled, “How long has that lock been busted?”
“A couple of days, but really. It’s not a big deal.” I gave him a quick shrug, then finally managed to get it to open. “If maintenance doesn’t come soon, I’ll get Dad to fix it.”
“It’s dangerous.” He followed me through the door, then started toying with the latch as he asked, “Do you have any tools here?”
“Not any that will work on that lock. Besides, it’s late. We both could use a few hours of sleep.”
He nodded, then we both headed into the bedroom. Neither of us spoke as we undressed and climbed back into bed. I was actually kind of surprised that Wrath agreed to stay. It made me wonder if he was finally starting to come around, but he didn’t pull me close. He didn’t snuggle up whatsoever. He just lay there like he was in a stranger’s bed, so I didn’t bother getting my hopes up. The last thing I needed was a heartbreak, so I took the moment for what it was and nothing more.
We hadn’t been lying there long when he whispered, “Good night, Mia.”
“Good night.”
I watched as he closed his eyes, and after a few moments, his breathing started to slow. He was close to drifting off, so I turned and curled into my pillow. It seemed like I’d barely closed my eyes when I woke to the sun shining through my blinds. I glanced up at the clock and was surprised to see that it was almost seven.
I shot up out of bed and was about to rush to the bathroom when I realized that Wrath was no longer in bed. I had no idea when he’d left, but he was gone, nonetheless. I shook off my disappointment and continued to the bathroom. After the way I’d left work the day before, I needed to get there on time. I also needed to make sure I had my coffee, so I took a quick shower and wasted no time getting dressed.
As soon as I was ready, I grabbed my things and made my way down to my car. I’d just put my keys in the ignition when my passenger side door flew open. I was about to panic until I spotted a familiar pair of black boots stepping inside. “Dad?”
“Morning, kiddo. How ya making it this morning?”
“Pretty good… I didn’t know you were coming by.”
“Just in the area and thought I’d stop by.”
“You wanna come up for a cup of coffee or something?”
“No, no. I’m not staying. I know you need to get to work.”
“Okay.” He was being weird—very weird, and I didn’t have the time to tiptoe around him. “Did you have something on your mind?”
“Yeah, actually it’s you... You’ve been on my mind a lot lately.”
“Well, I’m okay. Things are going really well, Daddy. You don’t have to worry about me.”
“I’m your father. I’m always going to worry.”
There was something about the way he was looking at me that led me to ask, “Is there something in particular thing you’re worried about?”
“You could say that.” He let out a breath, then said, “You’ve been around the club long enough to know that tying up with a brother can be a dangerous game. There are consequences,both good and bad, and it’s not a decision to take lightly.”
“Yeah, I know.” My father was a savvy man. He always knew things way before anyone else, so I had no doubt that he either knew something had happened between me and Wrath or had suspected it. I wasn’t prepared to confirm or deny, so I asked, “Is there a particular reason you felt the need to tell me that?”
“Just looking out for my girl.” He held my gaze for a moment, like he was trying to read my mind, then nodded and said, “I'll let you get going. Have a good one.”
He leaned over kissed me on the forehead, then got out of my car and walked over to his bike, leaving a wake of confusion in his path. I knew my father well enough to know that there was more to our ever so brief conversation than the few words that were said. The club meant a great deal to him, but Mom and I meant more. In his own way, he came there today to remind me of that, and it meant a great deal to me.
I sat there for a moment, just thinking about how lucky I was to have him as my father. Eventually, I started my car and drove over to the coffee shop.
Half an hour later, I was walking into the office. I stopped by to speak to Garrett but was surprised to find that he wasn’t in his office. I didn’t think too much about it. There were times when he didn’t come in at all—for days on end, and he had every right to do so. It was his office and his work. I was merely there to take up the slack.
Thinking he’d eventually show up, I continued on to my office and got busy on the edits on the coffee shop images. I spent hours on them, and I was feeling pretty good about the new changes I’d made. I was eager to show him what I’d done, so I sent the file over and called out to him, “Hey, Garrett!”