“You’re telling me.”
His body grew tense as he turned his head and looked up at the ceiling. I got the feeling he needed a distraction from whatever was going on in his head, so I asked, “Do you remember the day we first met?”
“Like it was yesterday.”
“You seemed angry.”
“I was.” He continued to stare at the ceiling as he said, “I didn’t want to be there.”
“Yeah, I remember.” His brows furrowed when I said, “I’m sure it was tough being around so many people you didn’t know.”
“No, but it didn’t take long for the clubhouse to feel like home.”
“Yeah, the brothers have a way of doing that.”
“It wasn’t the brothers.” His eyes skirted over to me. “It was you and Bones.”
“Hm-hmm.” He chuckled under his breath as he said, “I can still remember how you followed him around like a lost puppy. Hadley used to do me the same way.”
“She adored you. She still does.”
He scoffed, then once again turned and looked up at the ceiling. And just like that, it felt like he was a million miles away. I was enjoying talking to him and didn’t want it to end, so I asked a question I knew would draw him back in. “You’ve been with a lot of women, right?”
“Not sure I’d characterize them asa lot, butyeah, I’ve had my fair share.” He turned back to face me as he asked, “Why?”
“I was curious about the whole kissing thing...or lack thereof.” His face was completely void of expression, making me instantly regret mentioning it. “It’s not a big deal. I was just curious.”
“You’re curious why I haven’t kissed you?”
“Well, yeah.” I tried to act nonchalant as I added, “What is that?Do you have some kind of aversion to kissing or something?”
“No, I don’t have anaversion to kissing.”
“Okay, then what is it?”
“I just happen to think that kissing is more intimate than sex... I only do it when it means something.”
“But how can you think that kissing is more intimate when you have to be undressed to have sex?”
“Think about it. You can have empty, no-feeling, inebriated, tequila-fueled sex without remembering a damn thing about the person you were fucking. Hell, you don’t even gotta look at them to fuck them.” His eyes locked on mine as he said, “But a kiss is different. It’s face to face. It leaves you vulnerable and open, and when it’s with someone you care about, good or bad, you’ll never forget it.”
“And when I kiss you,and I do mean when, it’ll be something we’ll both remember. No doubt about it.”
Ikept telling myself that I needed to go, but the longer I lay there next to her, the harder it became to leave. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt so at ease, so at peace, and it was a far cry from the beginning of my day.
It had all started when I’d gotten up at sunrise and headed to the club.
As soon as I arrived, I went straight to the playroom to meet up with Stitch and the others. When I walked up, they were all waiting outside the door, and as soon as I approached, Cotton asked, “You good?”
“I’m here.” I ran my hand over my face and wrenched my back. “Ready to get my hands on our friend.”